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Acceleration in a sentence

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Sentence count:200+3Posted:2017-05-01Updated:2020-07-24
Antonym: decelerationretardationSimilar words: acceleratecelebrationtolerationdecelerateoperationoperationsiterationacculturationMeaning: [æk‚selə'reɪʃn]  n. 1. an increase in rate of change 2. the act of accelerating; increasing the speed 3. (physics) a rate of increase of velocity. 
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181. According to the national code, the horizontal earthquake force is calculated by the acceleration response spectrum. The force is closely related to the base vibration period of building structure.
182. In the experiments, the acceleration and displacement reaction of the wooden structure houses were obtained by the role of transmitting several different peaks of the seismic waves to it.
183. So what I did was I plotted this data, the centripetal acceleration versus the mean distance to the sun and I did that on log paper.
184. The high ability of optoelectronic tracking servo system to tracking and acquiring fast moving targets is required , along with the rapid enhancement of target speed and acceleration .
185. The result shows that we can get actual velocity and displacement time histories by simulating wide band acceleration record.
186. So if you are 100 times further away like Pluto compared to Mercury then the gravitational... the centripetal acceleration which is due to gravity is 10,[sentence dictionary]000 times smaller.
187. Another is curvature - parabolic method according to centrifugal acceleration of the vehicle in settlement section.
188. The results show that, the natural frequency, dynamic amplification factor and acceleration root of mean square of seat suspension will decrease with the increase of proportional valve input voltage.
189. Along with the payment system movement, for the acceleration enterprise turnover of capital, enhanced the fund the use efficiency to get up the positive role.
190. The effects of the angle of the tilted support, the frequency ratio and mass ratio of the system on the response of acceleration and displacement were discussed.
191. Webb and Kench warn that while the islands are coping for now,( any acceleration in the rate of sea-level rise could overtake the sediment build up.
192. The average impact acceleration and average impact stress of sled train increase approximately in a line with the increase of track deviation.
193. Using additional sensors, ESP not only registers the wheel speeds but also the steering angle and lateral acceleration.
194. However, in respect of a vibration acceleration signal, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) is often so small that the periodic impulse component is submersed in its intense background noises.
195. We have discussed that earlier when we dealt with the planets, and we dealt with uniform circular motions, and we evaluated the centripetal acceleration.
196. The auto - acceleration effect ( gel - effect ) had been analysed to propose the solution to the implosion of reaction.
197. This article analyzed the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of cam chain wheel gearing, and put forward the vibrancy equation, speed equation and acceleration equation of cam chain wheel.
198. Failure to pass these additional completion tests would result in an event of default and potential acceleration of the debt.
199. Using variable size array instead fixed array can save EMS memory and acceleration the calculate speed. COLSYS has been choosed to be a ordinary differential equation solver in the program.
200. The result shows that the strength feature of knee joint, back and waist muscle can be evaluated based on the parameters of relative moment of various joints, acceleration time and angle of moment.
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