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Woods in a sentence

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Sentence count:197+31Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bushforestSimilar words: woodywoodengoodswoodlandcanned goodsgood samaritangodsendgoody-goodyMeaning: [wʊd]  n. the trees and other plants in a large densely wooded area. 
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121. What are you doing in this neck of the woods?
122. The winners are as follows - Woods, Smith and Cassidy.
123. It may interest you to know that Miss Woods, the housekeeper, witnessed the attack.
124. The corpse was found by children playing in the woods.
124. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
125. As I walked on, some birds were singing in the woods.
126. The estate consists of a main house, servants' quarters, a garage, stables and 100 acres of woods.
127. Visitors are free to wander through the gardens and woods.
128. The lost man yelled, hoping someone in the woods would hear him.
129. The path left the river bank and wound its way into the woods.
130. The woods were silent apart from the crunch of our feet in the snow.
131. Police are still combing the woods for the missing boy.
132. The woods surrounding the estate were a favourite for family walks.
133. Police searched all the woods within a six-mile radius/within a radius of six miles.
134. He was like a babe in the woods when he first came to New York.
135. The police have spent an exhausting day searching the woods.
136. They tunnelled along under the walls and up into the woods beyond.
137. We walked among the chestnut woods on the mountain slopes.
138. We're still babes in the woods when it comes to computer technology.
139. He was terrified at the thought of being stranded in the woods.
140. An unknown man's dismembered body was found by the police in the suburb woods.
141. There's nothing but woods on the other side of the highway.
142. Police with dogs are searching through the woods for the missing child.
143. After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie.
144. The path slants the lawn to the depths of the woods.
145. We went for a walk in the woods after lunch.
146. Autumn is the time to see the beech woods in all their glory.
147. We go for a ramble through the woods every Saturday.
148. It's so good to see you. What brings you to this neck of the woods?
149. We dance on the green, dine at the hermitage(, and wander in the woods by moonlight.
150. Susie nicked in ahead of us when we went through the woods.
More similar words: woodywoodengoodswoodlandcanned goodsgood samaritangodsendgoody-goodyhoodgoodmoodfoodbroodmoodyfloodbloodgood forfor goodgoodlybloodyseafoodgoodmanmanhoodbad blooda good joba good manygood nameas good asbe good atmake good
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