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Unusable in a sentence

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Sentence count:51+1Posted:2017-03-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: usablereusableinexcusableunutterabledisabledadvisableopposabledisposableMeaning: adj. not capable of being used. 
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31 The packing case had been damaged in transit and the machine is unusable.
32 This shows the bare minimum that a valid ( though unusable ) parameter block created.
33 The Jatropha plant is sort of like hemp.Growing it allows these poor farmers to take what was unusable land and turn it into a profit center.
34 DealerDealers are required to make the trade-ins unusable bydestoryingdestroying the engine, then recycle the old vehicles into scrap metal.
35 Mortality is the number or volume of trees periodically rendered unusable through natural causes.
36 For him, there was no impossible form or unusable material.
37 She was getting raw material from the various divisions that was ugly, undecipherable and unusable.
38 A Central California rancher uses drip irrigation to grow zinfandel wine grapes on a rocky hillside that was formerly unusable.
39 The point of degradation, due to attenuation or distortion, at which a signal becomes unusable.
40 Cancelling during this operation may make the media unusable. Do you still want to cancel?
41 To procure ( usable substances, such as metal ) from unusable substances, such as ore or
42 Dealers are required to make the trade-ins unusable by destroying the engine, then recycle the old vehicles into scrap metal. The billion dollars was supposed to last until November.
43 I had brought a motorized wheelchair, but I soon found it was essentially unusable in the ice, snow and rain, to say nothing of the cobblestones and old streets.
44 If this situation should occur, the fram would become unusable.
45 The Key Management server has detected an unusable certificate on your Certificate Server.
46 Launch denial - of - service attacks, rendering the machine temporarily unusable.
47 In one, for example, officials describe how to plant a fern called azolla in otherwise unusable wet spots; it can be used to make extra cattle feed that enables cows to give more milk.
48 In an interruption an asset of the system becomes lost or unavailable or unusable.
49 D O'B: Because complicated applications crash, or get abandoned by their creators, or just keel over from feature-bloat and become unusable around version 5.0.
50 It's unusable, so we would like to ask for an explanation.
51 After finalization, an object is accessible but in an invalid state; therefore, it is unusable.
More similar words: usablereusableinexcusableunutterabledisabledadvisableopposabledisposabledispensableindispensableunusualcruel and unusual punishmentabletablecableviablestableliablegablednotableenableunablelikablepliableaffablemovableparabletenabletableaube able to
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