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Trivial in a sentence

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Sentence count:238+12Posted:2017-02-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: foolishfrivolousinanelightpaltrypettypunyshallowsillyslightsuperficialtriflingunimportantworthlessAntonym: importantSimilar words: strivingthrivingprivilegestrivecontriveconvivialdriving licencecontrivedMeaning: ['trɪvɪəl]  adj. 1. (informal) small and of little importance 2. obvious and dull 3. of little substance or significance 4. concerned with trivialities 5. not large enough to consider or notice. 
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91 However trivial you think your observation is, pick up the phone and tell the police.
92 Even so, what is trivial linguistically and practically may be elevated to importance socially.
93 There was murder for gain, and for the most trivial and pointless reasons, often for hardly any reason at all.
94 As Goffmann points out these signs have been neglected or disparaged as trivial items.
95 If you want success, figure out the price, then pay it. It sounds trivial and obvious, but if you unpack the idea it has extraordinary power. Scott Adams 
96 A Rachmaninov piano concerto swept through the flat, making the problem of Ruth trivial and vague.
97 I became tired with Ramon and his canvases and drinking and cursing, it all seemed so trivial.
98 On the face of it these trivial little improvements, or plus points ahead of the norm look to be insignificant.
99 So long as these remain at the centre of any newsgathering institution, then the risk of episodic and trivial coverage increases.
100 All of this should also help social workers to distinguish the important from the trivial.
101 A sad little tale it sounded, a trivial matter to consign a soul to perpetual separation.
102 May we never become so wrapped up in our own trivial problems that we forget to care about anyone else.
103 This process is trivial for a native speaker of a language, however for a computer system the solution is more difficult.
104 How has it come about that we are prepared to describe a serious physical mutilation as a trivial adjustment?
105 Faults which we might see as trivial would create the same scandal and outrage as criminal behaviour does in our society.
106 How could she notice such a trivial detail when her vision was impeded by tears?
107 While the first of the four examples we have quoted seems relatively trivial, the final two have more significance.
108 The action at High Bridge, a trivial engagement in military terms, was of great psychological importance.
109 They differed in the seemingly trivial but none the less diagnostic character of having not one but two pairs of antennae on their heads.
110 She had her own yardstick by which she measured complaints as either trivial or needing attention.
111 Rather, some of its important features relevant to our analysis of science will be illustrated by means of trivial examples.
112 To meet the target, managers were forced wastefully to expend resources on the most trivial complaints.
113 His actual identity is Sir Percy Blakeney, who at home safeguards his secret by acting the trivial society fop.
114 In general they overestimate the amount available and underestimate the time wasted by being fragmented in small amounts on rather trivial matters.
114 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
115 No internet service is too trivial to demand a password.
116 From a human relations point of view, Janet had outsmarted Hazel by refusing to become a victim over a trivial matter.
117 All this is really quite trivial compared to my real concern.
118 Police insist it will not be used as an excuse to trawl for small numberplates and other trivial offences.
119 It is the same with science and its trivial names.
120 For him, that means there is a place for everything, no matter how trivial or traumatic.
More similar words: strivingthrivingprivilegestrivecontriveconvivialdriving licencecontrivedtrialconvivialityindustrialtrial and errorextraterrestrialindustrializationindustrialisationindustrial capitalismdriverivetriverrivalderivedrivelthrivedrivendriverarrivecivilvividciviclivid
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