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Thermostat in a sentence

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Sentence count:98+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: thermoregulatorSimilar words: uppermostinnermostfirst and foremostelectrostaticsmostsermonat mostutmostMeaning: ['θɜrməʊstæt /'θɜːm-]  n. a regulator for automatically regulating temperature by starting or stopping the supply of heat. v. control the temperature with a thermostat. 
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1. A thermostat controls the temperature in the building.
2. The temperature is controlled by a thermostat.
3. A thermostat performs the function of controlling temperature.
4. This hotel is equipped with a central heating thermostat.
5. The thermostat will gauge the temperature and control the heat.
6. Always buy a heater with thermostat control to save on running costs.
7. The built-in thermostat guarantees that the water remains at the same temperature all the time.
8. The remedy is to renew the thermostat.
9. The thermostat goes under the water, with the heater.
10. A safety thermostat controls the water temperature, so ensuring constant pressure to give a consistent jet of cleansing steam.
11. One with a thermostat will cost more, but may save on running costs in warmer weather.
12. The integral thermostat guarantees that shower water temperature stays constant even if taps are turned on elsewhere. 1.
13. Paul used to turn the thermostat down when John was not looking.
14. He got up and turned the thermostat to sixty and Dooley stomped back to bed.
15. Cheryl Bradshaw finds herself turning down the thermostat more often this week.
16. Normally there was a thermostat submerged in the oil to monitor the temperature.
17. The self of a thermostat system has endless internal bickering about whether to turn the furnace up or down.
17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
18. Try altering the setting on the thermostat dial; if nothing changes the thermostat is probably faulty.
19. There is nothing corresponding to a thermostat in a stable physical system such as a vortex.
20. You can regulate the temperature in the house by adjusting the thermostat.
21. If the temperature of the heating system seems erratic, the fault may lie with the boiler thermostat.
22. Jane found it cold, but her visitors found it freezing, so she turned up the thermostat to seventy.
23. Conceptually, the electrical negative feedback loop is a toilet flusher or thermostat.
24. You just create a new hierarchy and reset the thermostat.
25. An hour later, when the house begins to feel like the Mekong Delta, I check the thermostat.
26. As extractor fan fitted into the apex of the greenhouse at one end and controlled by a thermostat works efficiently.
27. Examples of such a system would be a guided missile or a thermostat or a mechanical governor.
28. The way it works is this: I leave the room, she turns the thermostat up to 80.
29. Not even that low humming sound which I knew sure as hell wasn't the thermostat on the fridge.
30. It would differ very greatly in degree from the simple algorithm of the thermostat, but need not differ in principle.
More similar words: uppermostinnermostfirst and foremostelectrostaticsmostsermonat mostutmostmostlyalmostforemosthindmostfurthermorethermometerthermoelectricthermodynamicsfor the most partmake the most ofpermafrosthostageapostasystatenostalgicnostalgiastatueestatestatusstaticostentatiousstation
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  • Jose 2023-02-28 17:11:44
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  • Willie 2023-02-24 15:45:06
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  • Gloria 2023-02-23 16:39:46
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