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Theater in a sentence

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Sentence count:290+22Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: arenabattlefieldhallplayhousestadiumSimilar words: sweaterwheatcheatin the heat ofcreatethreatenrepeatedlyheadquartersMeaning: ['θɪətə(r)]  n. 1. a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented 2. the art of writing and producing plays 3. a region in which active military operations are in progress. 
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(61) Thank you for visiting the Boston Celtics Repertory Theater.
(62) And so is the movie theater.
(63) Minstrel shows drew a good audience and visiting theater companies played at the Brooks Opera House.
(64) If the usher caught you throwing popcorn, you were booted out of the theater.
(65) Schoonover hopes that having the theater functioning will finally dispel any lingering doubts that the project is moving forward.
(66) Gerry works for the theater, and gets two comps for every play.
(67) This is not to say that theater should throw in the towel.
(68) Tickets are $ 17. 50 for the dinner theater, $ 10 for performance only, available by calling 721-9640.
(69) And it has moved to the political theater with initiative campaigns such as those in behalf of Propositions 187 and 209.
(70) They hoped for a home theater and a showcase kitchen blending seamlessly into their den.
(71) The entire continent is a theater of hunger and disease.
(72) As a projectionist, how did you find theater conditions in Tucson?
(73) Bogies is housed in a restored movie theater and decorated with Humphrey Bogart memorabilia.
(74) The costumes had to be hung out to dry on bushes around the theater after the performance.
(75) I was in a movie theater when I heard the news about Pearl Harbor.
(76) The theater was renamed as a tribute to him,( and he survived to tell the story with glee.
(77) Another unusual feature in this price class: outputs that enable those wishing to upgrade their home theater with separate power amplifiers.
(78) The theater on the $ 320 million vessel was designed in the style of an outdoor amphitheater, with cantilevered balconies.
(79) The old theater will be razed and replaced with housing.
(80) Heupel was like the dinner theater actor who forgot his lines over the chicken cordon bleu.
(81) Edna Gilmartin looked more youthful and less formidable than I seemed to remember her from the ticket line at the Cort Theater.
(82) Winningham lived near Granada Hills High but got an opportunity transfer to study theater at Chatsworth.
(83) Ostermeier worked at the Baracke, a complex of Portakabins that the prestigious Deutsches Theater had lent him.
(84) The third quarter would have made a fire alarm going off in a crowded theater look an exercise in organization and discipline.
(85) He had talked about a dinner theater type thing with a play the night before.
(86) You bragged to the Gilmartins when the four of you went to the theater together that night.
(87) If more money is not forthcoming, the theater will have to close.
(88) She sewed and chatted with the wardrobe staff in the theater basement and tirelessly ran errands for the performers.
(89) BThe 36 acres of hilltop land were owned by Aline Barnsdall, an oil heiress who dabbled in producing avant-garde theater.
(90) It offers kids a behind-the-scenes, hands-on view of theater and regular interactive programs.
More similar words: sweaterwheatcheatin the heat ofcreatethreatenrepeatedlyheadquarterswaterlaterby watermaterialhold wateralma materinveterateboiling watersooner or laterbuilding materialseatneathealheadhearcome atdeathleathergreatfeathereat upcheap
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