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Theater in a sentence

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Sentence count:290+22Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: arenabattlefieldhallplayhousestadiumSimilar words: sweaterwheatcheatin the heat ofcreatethreatenrepeatedlyheadquartersMeaning: ['θɪətə(r)]  n. 1. a building where theatrical performances or motion-picture shows can be presented 2. the art of writing and producing plays 3. a region in which active military operations are in progress. 
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(271) Harold Pinter is a great contemporary British playwright, who has made great contribution to the theater of the absurd.
(272) It is the summer of 1593, and the rising young star of London's theater scene, Will Shakespeare, faces scourage like no other:a paralyzing bout of writer's block.
(273) The quiet of the operating theater was suddenly shattered by a loud oath.
(274) Let's grab a bite to eat on the way to the theater(, OK?
(275) Opera is music, drama, literature, dance, theater and art as a comprehensive integration of art, usually by the Aria, Recitative, ensemble, chorus, Overture, Intermezzo , dances and other components.
(276) But during a trip to Murph's recycling plant, the toy soldier she needs to get into the theater accidentally becomes a plastic pellet!
(277) The peanut gallery got its name because it is the part of the theater most distant from where the show takes place.
(278) In the center of the island, Lanai City features thoroughly and lovingly restored landmarks, including the lovely Lanai Playhouse and Theater and the charming Hotel Lanai, both dating from the 1920's.
(279) Date spots: Matheson Hammock Marina, Just theFunny Theater, Swap Shop Drive-In movie theater, Miami Seaquarium ... and ofcourse, long walks on the beach!
(280) On the next day, allied high command for the Chinese Theater of Operations was established.
(281) Jim helped create a non-profit theater company named Infernal Bridegroom Productions while he was studying at University of Houston.
(281) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(282) Actors performed Mermaid and Prince on the theater stage at 9 pm.
(283) Greeks still use some ancient sites, such as the Pnyx and the Theater of Atticus.
(284) He has been described by Frank Rich in the The New York Times as "the greatest and perhaps best-known artist in the American musical theater."
(285) If you leave the theater without a smile on your face, then you're really a curmudgeon .
(286) "We have a farm upstate, " he says, leaning forward a bit, picking up his wineglass without the least bit of theater or pretense.
(287) In the case of musical comedy, the commercial theater did develop a significant art form.
(288) Subsequently, he conducted at the theater in Graz, in Berlin and a few other places.
(289) The rectangular which likes a ruler, is the streetscape public square of the open - air theater.
(290) Then the rest of the interviews came, and for the next hour or so I witnessed an awe-inspiring night of theater.
More similar words: sweaterwheatcheatin the heat ofcreatethreatenrepeatedlyheadquarterswaterlaterby watermaterialhold wateralma materinveterateboiling watersooner or laterbuilding materialseatneathealheadhearcome atdeathleathergreatfeathereat upcheap
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