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Sustain in a sentence

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Sentence count:164+12Posted:2016-07-19Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: abidebearendurekeep upmaintainstandsuffersupporttolerateSimilar words: sustainablemaintainretainobtainstaircontaincurtaincertainMeaning: [sə'steɪn]  v. 1. lengthen or extend in duration or space 2. undergo (as of injuries and illnesses) 3. provide with nourishment 4. supply with necessities and support 5. be the physical support of; carry the weight of 6. admit as valid 7. establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts. 
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61 A perfect gas can sustain no shear forces so that the above bulk modulus is the only relevant one.
62 I have already mentioned the failure of the paramilitaries to create and sustain a political initiative.
63 E.g. A lorry driver may sustain an injury which will prevent him from ever driving a lorry again.
64 Through mounting intervention to sustain a profitable economy, capitalist states are haphazardly establishing a wholly new arena of political confrontation.
65 If chargers move through Fanatics they have not already encountered then they sustain more damage as they hit the deranged Goblins.
65 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
66 Other crops can not sustain the increased population, but you can build empires on maize.
67 The organisation required to travel to the clinic and to sustain the project through to conclusion proved too much.
68 While charity and altruism are great, they do not show up often enough to sustain a society.
69 Exertion of minimum effort to get required work done is appropriate to sustain organization requirements. Country club.
70 Panhandlers always demanding money so they can sustain their lifestyles.
71 The crisis shows something else - the vulnerability of our economies and lifestyles, and the free time they sustain.
72 Its distance from the Sun was just right to sustain life, providing the right kind of equable temperatures and flowing water.
73 It was a gamble, that the economy could grow fast enough to sustain the repayments.
74 Her memory is extremely poor and she can not sustain a normal conversation.
75 There is no way that we can sustain high employment unless we are competitive in inflation levels.
76 People have a limited capacity to sustain interest in politics.
77 Love is like a match to a wick. It takes that right combination to strike a flame. But once the flame is there, it can either give warmth, die out or burn your world to ashes. Even kill you. It's how you sustain the flame, feed it, and moderate the amount of energy in balance. Anthony Liccione 
78 The orders for civil aircraft alone could not sustain the large number of smallish firms that comprised the industry.
79 There he knew he would find fresh water for his men, to soothe the dying and sustain the living.
80 The Staff Development Group is exploring the possibility of extending the observation and self-evaluation process to review and sustain these developments.
81 Equally they sustain as well as designate those who discharge public functions.
82 If it does not follow that fashion, many observers fear the country will not sustain its usual calm.
83 It needs you to sustain its welfare work and it can help you by providing comradeship and support.
84 If you plan to stay up on election night, you could sustain yourself in the small hours with freshly baked pizza.
85 We are determined to sustain into the next century London's special position as one of the world's leading capital cities.
86 The sharing of information will be of critical importance to sustain performance, and new technology will make the sharing possible.
87 It is easiest to write the first draft all in one go - then you sustain the mood of the short story.
88 It could also make process of up-dating too demanding to sustain.
89 And they say they don't believe Wellstone has the votes to sustain a filibuster to block the bill.
90 What we know less about is why some people expend energy in short bursts while others sustain much longer bursts.
More similar words: sustainablemaintainretainobtainstaircontaincurtaincertaincaptainjust ascontainerretainingfor certainuncertaincertainlyjust aboutupstairsuncertaintycertainly notentertainmentversussuspendas usualsuspectsuspicionconsensussuspiciousjustmustadjust
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