Similar words: dimension, tension, pension, extension, comprehension, mansion, expansion, consideration.
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1. His personality has several dimensions.
2. What are the dimensions of the room?
3. We measured the dimensions of the kitchen.
4. Computer design tools that work in three dimensions.
5. The dimensions of the difficulty for the hydraulic project have only recently been recognized.
6. It is important to measure the exact dimensions of the room.
7. A diagram represents things in only two dimensions.
8. What are the dimensions of this room?
9. We're heading for a catastrophe of enormous dimensions.
10. I did not realized the dimensions of the problem.
11. What are the dimensions of this language laboratory?
12. Use a steel tape measure to measure the dimensions of the room.
13. Can we just check the dimensions of the bedroom again?
13. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
14. We'll need to know the exact dimensions of the room.
15. The dimensions of the market collapse were certainly not anticipated.
16. Despite the unit's compact dimensions, there's still plenty of room for expansion.
17. These lower orders also had racial dimensions.
18. Bureaucracy for them will have two important dimensions.
19. As you discuss strategy(, address the following three dimensions.
20. Styles may also vary along purely pragmatic dimensions.
21. Two structural dimensions were of paramount importance.
22. They have numerous subdivisions, defined along various dimensions.
23. Other dimensions could be added to this scheme.
24. A box of larger dimensions could be ordered.
25. The political dimensions of the incident are clear.
26. New dimensions Adding diagonal ribbons creates a new dimension.
27. The dimensions of time have shriveled to a wink.
28. Love is the thing that we're capable of perceiving that transcends dimensions of time and space.
29. In looking at population aging we will consider two distinct dimensions.
30. Drilling will continue on the site to assess the dimensions of the new oilfield.
More similar words: dimension, tension, pension, extension, comprehension, mansion, expansion, consideration, density, offensive, intensity, defensive, extensive, sensitive, consist, consider, consensus, sensitivity, consist in, consist of, comprehensive, consistent, comprehensible, experiment, considerable, consistently, considerably, be considered as, experimental, be responsible for.