Synonym: hurt. Similar words: detrimental, experiment, experimental, sentimental, presentiment, sentiment, detachment, raiment. Meaning: ['detrɪmənt] n. a damage or loss.
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1. He sits up very late to the detriment of his health.
2. He works long hours to the detriment of his health.
3. Smoking is a detriment to one's health.
4. This tax can not be introduced without detriment to the economy.
5. He was engrossed in his job to the detriment of his health.
6. He worked very long hours, to the detriment of his marriage.
7. This tax cannot be introduced without detriment to people's living standards.
8. But a presumption of inevitable environmental detriment is premature.
9. Schools are often task-centred to the detriment of effective personal relationships, inevitably compromising decision-making procedures and perceptions of individual credibility.
10. Are you sure that I can follow this diet without detriment to my health?
11. Children spend too much time on schoolwork, to the detriment of other activities.
12. Wood accounts for 90% of energy production in some countries, with consequent environmental detriment.
13. But the reactionary left rejected change, to the present detriment of those it claims to represent.
14. For Labour they want more people employed and that's to the detriment of taxes and inflation.
14. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
15. The idea is to make as much money as possible from news departments, sometimes to the detriment of truth and journalism.
16. I enjoy band work but it can be like a habit, to the detriment of our normal lives.
17. A mental health orientation places greater emphasis on the former to the detriment of the latter.
18. This practice involves fund managers switching securities between accounts to shield favoured clients from losses to the detriment of others.
19. Brooke-Rose was generally thought to have overdone the serious aspect of her tale to the detriment of its comic potential.
20. Without doing so, we could miss vital factors of detriment both to water voles and other wetland wildlife.
21. Hyperbole is a way of life in the culinary world, much to its detriment.
22. He said the annexation should be a benefit, not a detriment, to taxpayers.
23. The opportunity which he seized turned out to his own detriment.
24. Each extra livestock unit added means less pasture available per unit to the detriment of the whole herd.
25. This time it is clear that the new foundation was to the Viscount's detriment and was expected to anger him.
26. Keegan is refusing to co-operate with the hype-merchants focusing on his reunion with Kenny Dalglish to the detriment of their managerial charges.
27. According to the report(, district managers are obsessed with control and compliance to the detriment of student achievement.
28. Improvements to rented property may raise rents to the detriment of the producers as opposed to the landowners.
29. The company may be estopped from denying either statement if some one in reliance upon it has changed his position to his detriment.
30. Antiracist educators have read it in a simplistic manner, however, much to the detriment of their pedagogic project.
More similar words: detrimental, experiment, experimental, sentimental, presentiment, sentiment, detachment, raiment, pediment, regiment, compliment, condiment, impediment, embodiment, rudimentary, impedimenta, detract, crime, prime, trim, metric, petrify, get rid of, perimeter, trim down, trimmed, petrified, obstetrics, commencement, patrimony.