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Sketch in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+9Posted:2017-04-06Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adumbratecartoonchalk outoutlineresumestudysurveyvignetteSimilar words: sketchysketchilysketchingsketchbookcasketbasketbasketballsewing basketMeaning: [sketʃ]  n. 1. preliminary drawing for later elaboration 2. a brief literary description 3. short descriptive summary (of events) 4. a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine. v. 1. make a sketch of 2. describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of. 
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91. I've done a rough sketch of how to get to the church.
92. Brief encounter at despatch box sets Tory pulses racing Sketch.
93. I shall now draw some general morals from this sketch of the structure of Peirce's philosophical thought.
94. Not so much as a sociology essay, or an urban character sketch in London's Evening Standard.
94. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
95. His knapsack and sketch pad and sleeping bag lay on the floor, candy wrappers scattered around them.
96. Cantor picked up his paper napkin and drew a rough sketch of a cell membrane.
97. The best that any reproduction system can provide is a sketch.
98. Shakespeare's early poems sketch that double vision and later many of his heroes are plagued by it.
99. His talent as a sketch artist and cartoonist would in the future always play a role in the preparations for his films.
100. School staff made an additional contribution with a timely sketch of various PTA events.
101. She went down on her hands and knees to sketch out a full-scale dia-gram of the barrel she wanted.
102. There, before his eyes, lay one large and one small sketch pad.
103. Modigliani knew how to adapt himself to his surroundings and made a great impression on the day he came to sketch Bakst.
104. Endpiece and the Country Profile sketch of a Third World country.
105. And just to sketch in the background, could you recapitulate for us?
106. Susan was already off the window scat, looking for a place to tuck her sketch pad.
107. And on that subject, how much of the unknown and unknowable can I sketch in?
108. Pat focuses the color camera on the flow, and I make a quick sketch of the mound in my notebook.
109. But Labour, too, was disappointing in its reluctance to sketch out what an alternative science policy might look like.
110. He stopped off at Dingwall for a sketch or two and rejoined the train in Inverness.
111. She could get a headache after sketch class or after indulging herself with cake or candy.
112. She heard Comfort pick up the sketch pad again and simply lay, letting her draw whatever she liked.
113. Daisy had brought her sketch pad, but found it difficult to capture the action and hold on to a straining Ethel.
114. If he sits too long, he pulls out a sketch pad and begins drawing.
115. Make a rough sketch of a parachute on the board.
116. I did a drugs awareness sketch and got a small part in the school play which was Twelfth Night.
117. Phil drew a sketch to show us what the new school would look like.
118. It is not possible to review this novel without such a background sketch, however flimsy.
119. Updated computerized versions make it possible to simulate more closely the work of a sketch artist.
120. I sketch what I want, I mix up the colours as a guide.
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