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Sketch in a sentence

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Sentence count:294+9Posted:2017-04-06Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: adumbratecartoonchalk outoutlineresumestudysurveyvignetteSimilar words: sketchysketchilysketchingsketchbookcasketbasketbasketballsewing basketMeaning: [sketʃ]  n. 1. preliminary drawing for later elaboration 2. a brief literary description 3. short descriptive summary (of events) 4. a humorous or satirical drawing published in a newspaper or magazine. v. 1. make a sketch of 2. describe roughly or briefly or give the main points or summary of. 
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121. In Chapter 14 I sketch out the fundamentals of a structuralist theory of truth.
122. We can best begin to sketch the positive characteristics of this activity by reversing the usual procedures.
123. Each page has a colour photograph of the mountain, a sketch map and a description of the route.
124. This thumbnail sketch of a complicated web of negotiations says some unexpected things about Mr Major.
124. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
125. The little sketch of Crinan Canal shows the halting-place where passengers wait to re-embark on board the canal boat.
126. Sometimes a sketch drawing of the sherd is done to show significant features.
127. I found it difficult to take a rubbing so, despite my lack of artistic ability, I've drawn a sketch.
128. Two drawings by Annibale Carracci include an oil sketch of St Peter, recently assigned to the artist.
129. Scamp a sketch of a design showing the basic concept.
130. It was difficult to believe that the whole sketch was improvised.
131. She opened her folder and took out a sketch of her mother.
132. The boy drew cartoon images of a courtroom sketch artist and a reporter Wednesday while Easton made plans for his psychiatric evaluation.
133. The departmental profiles that follow sketch the research interests of their members.
134. Ben took out his pen and produced a quick but very competent sketch of the building.
135. Therefore it remains for us to sketch out a more articulated theory based upon Bukharin's ideas of disproportionality and dis-equilibrium.
136. Although this is not the place to undertake a detailed introduction to the model, a brief sketch will none the less prove useful.
137. Drawings torn from a sketch pad were tacked to the plank walls, a straw rug partially covered the floor.
138. Cantor drew a rough sketch of a cell on his napkin.
139. To begin with I decided to pursue this possibility in a straight forward sketch.
140. Photographs, a sketch plan and any police accident report book are receivable in evidence at trial.
141. Neil said, looking up from the sketch on his napkin.
142. The remarks in this section only sketch out a province for which a proper theory of discourse deixis might provide an account.
143. Police released a composite sketch of him Saturday; in the picture, he is wearing a knit cap.
144. It's like an extended Beadle's About sketch without a punchline.
145. I had drawn a fairly creditable sketch of the castle when, as I hoped, I heard voices behind me.
146. This isn't the final picture; just a rough sketch.
147. Start by not buying yourself a sketch pad.
148. The Jacquard card originates from Chinese ancient pattern sketch.
149. The little boy can sketch out a horse quickly.
150. His brief sketch of the creature was repulsive.
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