Similar words: designing, sign in, feigning, signify, insignia, signified, significant, significance. Meaning: [saɪn]
n. language expressed by visible hand gestures.
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181, After the book signing Clancy stood around talking to all and sundry.
182, Hoffman-La Roche will pay an undisclosed signing fee and product royalties.
183, Why then did she not inform herself of the purport and effect of the transfer before signing it?
184, The signing runs from 1 to 3 p. m. at the Book Mark, 5001 E.. Speedway.
185, Her suit claims she was coerced into signing away her rights, including ownership of her music.
186, Draper surely got better money at Warner Bros., just as all the black artists signing with the majors did.
187, A forum for the writers, moderated by local columnist Bonnie Henry, will be followed by a book signing.
188, Dulles tried to correct this before the next crisis came by signing up the allies in advance.
189, We can not help signing so long as there is another human being who needs to read the signs.
190, Two goals in eight minutes from their record signing, Keith Edwards, secured a 3-1 win.
191, Jesse Jackson have criticized the president for signing the welfare act.
192, The relatively unknown signing from homespun Grimsby was elevated to star status over a week-end.
193, Don't let yourself be pressured into signing something you haven't read.
194, In 1696 he was arrested for signing and circulating an appeal for charitable contributions to relieve the extruded clergy.
195, In the old days, signing up and connecting a new customer in a medium-sized city would be a costly exercise.
196, The Derby defender was signing autographs outside the ground when he suddenly broke away and roared off home.
197, The band should meet their accountant before signing the recording contract to discuss the following: 1.
198, Their lawyers tried to frighten us into signing the contract.
199, The company also got an undisclosed payment for signing the research deal.
200, His $ 750,000 signing bonus was spread over three years at $ 250,000 per year.
201, I think it's a long shot him signing for Leeds.
202, The Prime Minister says that signing the treaty is merely taking an option on the right to join.
203, The deal included a $ 7. 5 million signing bonus.
204, Jett was pissed off with Kevin for signing me up,( you know.
205, Scarborough Group enticed internationally renowned playwright Alan Ayckbourn into posing for a press photograph while signing appeal letters.
206, Music publishing companies are always alert to the possibility of signing new songwriting talent.
207, In the second half, they were even closer. New signing, Marcus Browning, all but scored.
208, The signing of Tendulkar was described as a whitewash merely to cover racial bias.
209, Please acknowledge receipt of this document by signing and returning the enclosed form.
210, After signing a cooperation agreement May 11, the two airlines have been hashing out details.
More similar words: designing, sign in, feigning, signify, insignia, signified, significant, significance, insignificant, significantly, insignificance, significant other, insignificantly, ignite, sign, dignify, dignity, ignited, sign on, ignition, ensign, signet, resign, assign, sign up, signal, design, sign out, dignified, dignitary.