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61, The hot sun shone down on the scene.
62, The afternoon sun shone full on her.
63, A brilliant sun shone through the trees.
64, The diamond shone with every hue under the sun.
65, Her old professional skills shone through.
66, The police shone a searchlight on the house.
67, Her eyes shone with delight.
68, A powerful torch shone in their direction.
69, I hate lights being shone in my face.
70, A few scattered lights shone on the horizon.
71, The road shone frostily under the full moon.
72, The sun shone through a break in the clouds.http://sentencedict.com
73, His face shone with excitement.
74, The sun shone out of a clear azure sky.
75, Her eyes shone with happiness.
76, The dark wood shone like glass.
77, The light shone on his face.
78, Light shone through a slit under the door.
79, The watchman shone his torch at us.
80, I shone my torch through the crack.
81, Marion polished the table until it shone.
82, The clouds parted and the sun shone .
83, The doctor's voice had come alive and his small eyes shone.
84, The sun shone on for hours in a cloudless sky.
85, The sun shone on the sea and the waves danced and sparkled.
86, The headlights shone on empty streets as we drove through the town.
87, Her goodness shone through.
88, The sun shone brightly.
89, The stars shone like points of light in the sky.
90, The sun shone down.
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