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Cellphone in a sentence

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Sentence count:73Posted:2017-03-04Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: cell phonephotocellphonephonytelephonesiphon offsymphonyhomophoneMeaning: ['selfəʊn]  n. a hand-held mobile radiotelephone for use in an area divided into small sections, each with its own short-range transmitter/receiver. 
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1. Calls flood in, many from cellphones.
2. If you want a cellphone with style, this is the one for you.
3. To pick up the reflected signals, the cellphone has to be held steady for a few seconds, says Lubecke.
4. Did you ever hear the cellphone operators complaining that the early competition adversely affected their business?
5. Interference pattern Today's cellphone networks treat the interference information as unwanted noise and discard it.
6. Could you tell me his cellphone number? Thank you!
7. Don't show it around, it just is a cellphone.
8. I talked to her on my cellphone.
9. In the meantime, cellphone use worldwide surges.
10. Cellphone users could eventually feel the pinch.
11. The woman nodded and took the cellphone from Katie.
12. Sometimes the cutie Minnie even carries a cellphone.
13. Cellphone Market Survey in China.
14. Worldwide, there are about 4.6 billion cellphone subscribers, according to the International Telecommunications Union, a U.
15. Design and implementation of functional software for cellphone test equipment.
16. Cellphone repairman Majid Abdul Khalif, who is so patriotic he named his son Iraq and his daughter Baghdad[], is incensed he can't find a full-time job or buy a house.
17. May I have your name and cellphone Number? See you tomorrow.
18. For the above - mentioned reasons , cellphone online sales will be an inevitale trend.
19. Ever wonder why overhearing a cellphone conversation is so annoying?
20. Showing him that photo in my cellphone during the symposium, I posed the question if his factory could make such a high-priced product.
21. She looked for her cellphone everywhere and found it at last.
22. Worldwide, there are about 4.6 billion cellphone subscribers, according to the International Telecommunications Union, a U.N. agency.
23. Yahoo has reduced the complexity of the cellphone graphical user interface ( GUI ) with its Go redesign.
24. Motorola held a leading market share in China's cellphone market until several years ago.
25. Many of us are as used to someone's self-chatter as we are to people with invisible cellphone headsets seemingly blathering on to themselves.
26. Think of a cellular network, and I'll bet you picture cellphone towers dotting the country, beaming signals into space.
26. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
27. Business cards belong in your Rolodex, BlackBerry, iPhone, PDA or cellphone.
28. The goal is a portable system that could be worn on a belt and would be no larger than a cellphone.
29. "Cheap digital photography tailored to microscope applications, and transmission of images via cellphone or the internet should indeed be pursued and made more accessible, " he says.
30. A : In case of an emergency, here is the cellphone.
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