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Ruin in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+15Posted:2017-01-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: demolishdestroydevastatemarravagespoilupsetwreckAntonym: restoreSimilar words: fruitequinoxcruisesanguinerecruitharlequinaltruismcontinuingMeaning: ['rʊɪn]  n. 1. an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction 2. a ruined building 3. the process of becoming dilapidated 4. an event that results in destruction 5. failure that results in a loss of position or reputation 6. destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined. v. 1. destroy completely; damage irreparably 2. destroy or cause to fail 3. reduce to bankruptcy 4. reduce to ruins 5. deprive of virginity 6. fall into ruin. 
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151 He liked to bow and ruin the effect by keeping his hands in his pockets.
152 In any case, now if ever was my chance to ruin Victor's plans.
153 Unemployment runs at more than 50 %, and most factories have fallen into ruin.
154 Meanwhile, they spread to other countries; and everywhere they left behind them widespread ruin.
155 But if the police handle things badly it could ruin my client's reputation and start a lot of unwelcome investigation.
156 Fakhru heard the remark, but said nothing; he preferred not to ruin a good business deal with petty religions differences.
157 They say the report has already damaged morale and could ruin their careers.
158 She could keep Judi out of it, but ruin a good few careers, businesses and marriages.
159 This means that selfish competition, between employees as between corporations, is the road to ruin.
160 Moorlake is much too big for her and it's been going steadily to rack and ruin for years.
161 In this golden period Tank also sold Peron on nuclear ideas and brought even greater financial ruin as a result.
162 I would never betray a friend to serve a cause. Never reject a friend to help an institution. Great nations may fall in ruin before I would sell a friend to save them. Edward Abbey 
163 One fighter flying low overhead can ruin a whole day's work.
164 Cazalbou's injury-time try came too late to ruin the party.
165 Meanwhile in San Diego, a society wife faces ruin when her millionaire husband is arrested as a suspected drug trafficker.
165 Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
166 And has Phil forgotten his summer vow to ruin Ian's business?
167 A board will ruin any bed and cause discomfort at pressure points.
168 Do not let negative behaviors and bad habits ruin your life! Dr T.P.Chia 
169 Behavioural theorists add that tall structures impose rigid supervision and control and therefore block initiative and ruin the motivation of subordinates.
170 Much of the plains' cattle industry was in financial ruin.
171 Any kind of sharp practice or dishonest dealing will infallibly ruin his career.
172 A sick child was the first step toward utter family ruin.
173 They invent a few rules that don't mean anything so that you can ruin your health trying to change them.
174 Black was bitterly disappointed after a disastrous batting collapse threatened to ruin the old boys' Schweppes debut.
175 To our right stood the shell of Combe House, yet another Dales house crumbling into ruin.
176 Failure to repay a student loan can ruin that person's credit rating.
177 After the Reformation the monasteries were largely destroyed or fell into ruin.
178 Destroy the seed of evil, or it will grow up to your ruinAesop 
179 Maurin had already tried to ruin Joseph by helping Cobalt reveal his drug smuggling.
180 From 1925, when the roof was taken away, ruin took over and spread throughout.
More similar words: fruitequinoxcruisesanguinerecruitharlequinaltruismcontinuingintriguingequinoctialaltruisticgrapefruitincongruity
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