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Ruin in a sentence

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Sentence count:280+15Posted:2017-01-02Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: demolishdestroydevastatemarravagespoilupsetwreckAntonym: restoreSimilar words: fruitequinoxcruisesanguinerecruitharlequinaltruismcontinuingMeaning: ['rʊɪn]  n. 1. an irrecoverable state of devastation and destruction 2. a ruined building 3. the process of becoming dilapidated 4. an event that results in destruction 5. failure that results in a loss of position or reputation 6. destruction achieved by causing something to be wrecked or ruined. v. 1. destroy completely; damage irreparably 2. destroy or cause to fail 3. reduce to bankruptcy 4. reduce to ruins 5. deprive of virginity 6. fall into ruin. 
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121 The growers appeared to be facing ruin until one bright spark hit on an idea.
122 Roads can not only ruin the countryside, but also divide communities.
123 Their abandoned Victorian mansion has been bought by the local council to save it from ruin.
124 One slice of chocolate gateau is not going to ruin your health - but several slices a day may well do so.
125 Not sure I want to - it would ruin his career.
126 And such imploding partnerships can ruin all chances for success for both the people involved.
127 David and wife Carol who run a food and tourism business say they face ruin over the pipeline plans.
128 We would pray for fine weather as a prolonged wet spell meant ruin for our efforts.
129 Protestors say that the proposed new airport will ruin this peaceful area.
130 Quite neglected now, the small church that guarded it has crumbled into ruin.
131 Why should the powers that be want to ruin that?
132 The banking structure seemed to teeter on the brink of ruin.
133 A doubt like faraway thunder threatens to ruin the day, that it's squandered on this.
134 It's far better to ruin a feather pillow than let yourself overflow in violent behaviour.
135 First they let the house go to rack and ruin, then the garden; now they were sheltering hippies.
135 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
136 Study after study contend they can ruin our health with their smoke.
137 If you insist, we shall rigidly enforce that provision, in the courts if necessary which would ruin your career once and for all.
138 And if Mandrake goes public, however ill founded his claims, it could be the ruin of my brokerage.
139 Ruin, when you are in its midst, is hard to gauge.
140 She wants to ruin the play to which I have given all I possess.
141 Even in ruin the Colosseum is a magnificent edifice of great structural interest and aesthetic splendour.
142 Collision He's making me out to be some sort of thick, brainless loony on a self-destruct road to ruin.
143 It will damage the environment, ruin the lives of thousands of Kurdish people, and threaten regional security.
144 Failure to repay a student loan can ruin a person's credit rating.
145 The evidence is, in the case of corporate crime, that nothing much happens by way of public scandal and social ruin.
146 Since then controversy has raged: Did she ruin something uniquely precious?
147 It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. Warren Buffett 
148 I never use plonk - it contributes nothing to the recipe and can ruin a dish.
149 Otherwise you may completely ruin your kitchen table or working surface!
150 Surely you don't want to ruin all our good work, do you?
More similar words: fruitequinoxcruisesanguinerecruitharlequinaltruismcontinuingintriguingequinoctialaltruisticgrapefruitincongruity
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