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River in a sentence

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Sentence count:233+68Posted:2016-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: driverdrivethrivederivedrive outdrive updrivewayarrive atMeaning: ['rɪvə(r)]  n. a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek). 
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121. This river flows into the sea.
122. The river is blocked up with ice.
123. Toxic chemicals were spilled into the river.
124. The salmon was alive and kicking when it was dragged out of the river.
125. They decided to widen out the river to avoid the flooding.
126. When the storm rose on the river, they had to bale out to reach the shore safely.
127. Before the enemy's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers.
128. He waxed lyrical about the variety of fish in the river.
129. He pulled the boy from the river and gave him mouth-to-mouth.
130. The town has a 14th century citadel overlooking the river.
131. The university is on the left bank of the river.
132. Don't play by the river in case you fall in and drown!
133. In his blind haste he almost ran into the river.
134. The father pulled the child back from the river side.
135. At the mouth of the river is a large area of marsh.
136. The Romans founded a great city on the banks of this river.
137. The road of life is like a large river,because of the power of the currents,[]river courses appear unexpectedly where there is no flowing water.
138. The sailing boat fell foul of a motor speedboat in mid - river.
139. He visited relatives at their summer house on the river.
140. We took turns to row the boat up the river.
141. He looked ahead in the distance and saw a river.
142. The hounds had lost the scent of the fox near the river.
143. As I opened the scroll[], a panorama of the Yellow River unfolded.
144. My missing for you is like a roaring river flowing day and night.
145. He had received the commission to build a new bridge over the river.
146. The river has been polluted by waste products from the factory.
147. There are plans to construct a new road bridge across the river.
148. The Shyok River is a major feeder of the Indus River.
149. He took a false step and fell down the river.
150. He managed to elude his pursuers by escaping into a river.
More similar words: driverdrivethrivederivedrive outdrive updrivewayarrive atdrive homederive fromliverdeliverdiversedeliveryreceiverdiversitygive rise toanniversaryover and overrivalprivacyarrivalprivatelythe private sectorovereververygivefivelive
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