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River in a sentence

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Sentence count:233+68Posted:2016-08-28Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: driverdrivethrivederivedrive outdrive updrivewayarrive atMeaning: ['rɪvə(r)]  n. a large natural stream of water (larger than a creek). 
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91. Let's go for a saunter along the river.
92. Rats had burrowed into the bank of the river.
93. Can we fish in this river?
94. A strong head wind lashed the river into waves.
95. We crossed the river in a boat/by boat.
96. The border extends to the river.
97. Two fox cubs romped playfully on the river bank.
98. The house stands hard by the river.
99. He flung the box into the river.
100. The river narrows a little here.
101. The Changjiang River keeps rolling along toward the east.
102. The river drains into the sea.
103. The river was contaminated with waste.
104. They had recrossed the River Gambia by ferry.
105. The Huanghe River disembogues itself into the ocean.
106. There's a wooden bridge over the river.
107. The river banks are a haven for wildlife.
108. Along the river bank there is a hedge.
109. They have dammed up that river.
110. The boater boated them across the river.
111. The river was teeming with fish.
112. We moored further up the river.
113. You could hike through the Fish River Canyon.
114. The river is dangerous for swimmers.
115. One of the kids fell into the river.
116. They're building new houses by the river.
117. The dog swam across the river.
118. The mouth of the river proved inaccessible.
119. They are rowing down the river.
120. The river has flooded the meadows.
More similar words: driverdrivethrivederivedrive outdrive updrivewayarrive atdrive homederive fromliverdeliverdiversedeliveryreceiverdiversitygive rise toanniversaryover and overrivalprivacyarrivalprivatelythe private sectorovereververygivefivelive
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