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Reluctance in a sentence

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Sentence count:183+3Posted:2016-11-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: disinclinationhesitancyhesitationindispositionSimilar words: reluctantstancedistanceinstancesubstancepittancefor instanceacceptanceMeaning: [rɪ'lʌktəns]  n. 1. (physics) opposition to magnetic flux (analogous to electric resistance) 2. a certain degree of unwillingness. 
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91. The close association between the visual and the cultural may explain the reluctance of some teachers to give it much attention.
92. Reservations about formal interdisciplinary alliances may be reflected in a reluctance to purchase compilations of papers delivered in an interdisciplinary symposium.
93. Hence his reluctance to start painting before he had mastered the incredibly difficult art of drawing - and drawing the figure especially.
94. Cooper was in a state of disbelief, tempered only by his reluctance to believe he could possibly be convicted.
95. In proposing such unpalatable measures, albeit with reluctance, the Big Five were showing both realism and courage.
96. The reluctance stems from a healthy fear of stirring old prejudices.
97. Jakarta's instructions are implemented with great reluctance by provincial civilian and military leaders, who have not changed their old ways.
98. Partly, it seems, from reluctance to condemn ourselves or our parents for actions that appeared absolutely correct at the time.
99. However, there remains reluctance and hesitation in some quarters of the legal profession.
100. Five years later, the new albums represent neither an expansion nor a retreat but a hesitant reluctance to set out anew.
101. It is a reluctance that already had very interesting echoes for the Middle East, even before the current crisis broke out.
102. He developed what psychologists might describe as a reluctance to address members of his family by their given names or titles.
103. The striking thing about Judge Jackson's thinking was his reluctance in imposing the government's will on a private company.
104. Their reluctance to get involved, however,[] put more of the burden on the Contras.
105. I saw that her reluctance to be taken had been feigned, or part-feigned.
106. At worst, they merely signal a reluctance or inability to grapple with those problems.
107. There has been a collapse in confidence, soaring repossessions and a reluctance by households to borrow more and trade up.
108. It'sets the control aim for Switched Reluctance Motor.
109. His reluctance to agree is understandable.
110. His countenance betrayed irresolution and reluctance.
111. The switched reluctance drive is a new variable-speed motor system which consists of power electronically-switched circuits, doubly salient reluctance motor and controller.
112. For loop control of a meaningless switched reluctance motor[], radial force and average torque are basic.
113. Action is the best remedy for treating fear whist reluctance and retardance are the least recommended.
114. A star type connection is adopted on a three phase SRM (Switched Reluctance Motor), supplied with a three phase inverter bridge. It could not get good result with traditional control methods.
115. According to the micro - step control theory, a switched reluctance motor drives based on DSP is designed.
116. Here a girl was being pushed forward into the inner circle with apparent reluctance.
117. It becomes much easier then for each of us to aim every day at conclusive disproofs - at strong inference - without either reluctance or combativeness.
118. Hybrid stepping motors colligate the advantages of permanent magnetism and reluctance stepping motors.
119. Recently , the drive system of switch reluctance motor ( SR ) has been experimented on electric mini - cars.
120. Virtually all hyperinflations begin with such monetisation of budget deficits, including Germany's in 1920-24, which explains the Bundesbank's, and now the ECB's, reluctance to lend to governments.
More similar words: reluctantstancedistanceinstancesubstancepittancefor instanceacceptanceassistanceresistancecircumstancein the distanceof importancehappenstancedisinfectantsincerelydancecancelcancerglancefrancechancedanceralliancefinanceromancepenanceenhancebalanceadvanced
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