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Reinforcements in a sentence

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Sentence count:74+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-10-11Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reinforcementenforcementreinforcereinforcedreinforcingreinstatementin forcejoin forces
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1) General Rattigan summoned reinforcements to help resist the attack.
2) Our troops consolidated our position with reinforcements.
3) The general ordered up more men as reinforcements.
4) The police called for reinforcements .
5) The arrival of reinforcements sealed our victory.
6) The commander has whistled up reinforcements.
7) Reinforcements were available just behind the lines .
8) The commander countermanded the reinforcements to the battlefield.
9) Reinforcements were being sent from the neighbouring region..
10) The commander has asked us to send reinforcements.
11) They were about to lynch him when reinforcements from the army burst into the room and rescued him.
12) Send for reinforcements — the enemy are attacking in strength.
13) Reinforcements were needed to allow more troops to move to forward positions.
14) Reinforcements arrived too late.
15) The turning point came when reinforcements arrived from the south.
16) The crowd was very large and police reinforcements were called in.
17) Expecting reinforcements to arrive shortly,( he felt fairly secure.
18) He would have to get moving before reinforcements arrived.
19) More reinforcements - this time with short shields and truncheons.
20) Magharba reinforcements from Bishr turned up and camped in a clump of trees a few kilometres west of town.
21) Hundreds of troop reinforcements arrived and pushed back the crowd.
22) Reinforcements were called and 25 police officers had to wade into the crowd to calm the situation.
23) His public outbursts of temper and his oratorical thunderbolts of defiance were likewise psychological reinforcements for a person who needed them.
24) More than 12[],000 people are now sheltering in army posts on the island as reinforcements are being sent to the area.
25) The battle was now developing into a contest for possession of the plateau, with Confederate reinforcements arriving and forming around Jackson.
26) A Mirage security guard uses his walkie-talkie to cal for reinforcements, and directs people who want autographs into a line.
27) Each commander began to beseech his immediate superior for reinforcements.
28) The Sandinistas were forced into a temporary retreat but returned later with reinforcements to do battle in the streets.
29) To begin with, a middle-aged blonde woman jostled him but was quickly joined by a cohort of silver-haired reinforcements.
30) The upper is made from breathable nylon mesh with man-made leather reinforcements.
More similar words: reinforcementenforcementreinforcereinforcedreinforcingreinstatementin forcejoin forcesremain in forceManagement Information Systemcommencementcemententicementcementumplacementelementsinducementeffacementreplacementenhancementcementationadvancementemplacementcement mixerannouncementdisplacementdenouncementbattlementsreinvestmentinfotainment
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