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Quarrel in a sentence

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Sentence count:174+25Posted:2016-10-20Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: altercateargufydisputedustuprowrun-inscrapwordswrangleSimilar words: quarrel withbarrelsquarequarterquarantinequarterbackheadquartersarrestMeaning: ['kwɑrəl ,'kwɔ- /'kwɒ-]  n. 1. an angry dispute 2. an arrow that is shot from a crossbow; has a head with four edges. v. have a disagreement over something. 
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(121) You can't quarrel with the court's decision it's very fair.
(122) We often quarrel but we always make it up soon after.
(123) He's been avoiding me like the plague since our quarrel.
(124) Don't nibble, I don't want to quarrel with you now.
(125) Don't quarrel with your fate. You should take it into your own hands.
(126) Their quarrel seems to be over . Everything's all sweetness and light at the moment.
(127) The teacher smoothed over the quarrel between the two boys.
(128) She did not want to quarrel with Maria today, of all days.
(128) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(129) We have no quarrel with their plans, in fact we support them.
(130) Their quarrel wasn't serious.
(131) My sister and I used to quarrel all the time.
(132) The brother and sister used to quarrel a lot in their childhood, but grew together more as they got older.
(133) He stilled the quarrel.
(134) He and his wife usually make up their quarrel the same day.
(135) After their quarrel, Jim and Mary found that their relationship had gone off the boil, and they were never again as loving as they had been.
(136) We have no quarrel with the people of Spain or of any other country.
(137) Leave me out of this quarrel, please I don't want to get involved.
(138) The quarrel led to a complete estrangement between her and her family.
(139) Even the dogs were quiet while the heated quarrel raged around them.
(140) He homed on a pointless quarrel when we discussed the plan of cooperation.
(141) Now, boys, don't quarrel.
(142) They had a quarrel last night and now they're not on speaking terms .
(143) I can't help them to resolve their quarrel they must fight it out between them.
(144) I don't quarrel with your opinion, but with your manner.
(145) A boast, perhaps, but who can quarrel with it?
(146) The quarrel had started over something as petty as who could spit furthest after eating half a ginger biscuit.
(147) He had reasoned that, like him, Eleanor would want to continue their friendship and sweep the quarrel under the carpet.
(148) Nor was he willing to let bygones be bygones once a quarrel had finally come to an end.
(149) The quarrel boiled over by the time they reached the shop section of the nearby Roundacre garage.
(150) Agnes takes her father's part, and the sisters quarrel, overtaken with a sudden hatred.
More similar words: quarrel withbarrelsquarequarterquarantinequarterbackheadquartersarrestmarredscarredcorrelationguardon guardsquadloquatcorrectqualifyquandarycurrentquantityadequateequationcurrencycorrectlycurrentlybe equal topreferredrecurrentarraycarry
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