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Insomniac in a sentence

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Sentence count:25Posted:2017-02-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: winsomemaniacomnivorousomnipresenthansominsolentin so far asinsolenceMeaning: [ɪn'sɑmnɪæk /-'sɒm-]  n. someone who cannot sleep. adj. experiencing or accompanied by sleeplessness. 
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1. She's an insomniac; she only sleeps for two or three hours a night.
2. I'm an incurable insomniac so I get a lot of my work done while the world sleeps.
3. The insomniac Proust wilfully obliged others to accommodate themselves to the bizarre hours he kept.
4. It allows an insomniac who can not get exposure to sunlight to still benefit from the regulating effects of ultraviolet rays.
5. I was a terrible insomniac when I was a teenager, but never on account of cockroaches.
6. I'm an insomniac and I had just fallen asleep.
7. Ron Artest is dyslexic, agnostic,( and an insomniac.
8. And the thrilling fever of the insomniac.
9. In its final incarnation, "Insomniac" contains twelve songs in English and three in Spanish.
10. The word insomniac was the first that came to mind when I was trying to come up with a suitable title for the album.
11. Effective nursing-intervention and individual general-nursing to the insomniac, enhance the patient's consciousness to the health sleeping, accordingly, to enhance the quality of sleeping.
12. Objective To investigate psychosomatic health with insomniac patients , for offering scientific and effective psychical nursing intervention .
13. An insomniac,( Malhotra says he finds the night more attractive than the day.
14. An insomniac who has the face of "Chucky, " he's also funny and self-deprecating, telling such stories as George Seifert balling him out for sharpening the famed 49ers coach's playwriting pencils.
15. Insomniac(1) bears are roaming the forests of southwestern Siberia scaring local people as the weather stays too warm for the animals to fall into their usual winter slumber(2).
16. If both of you are insomniac, sitting by yourselves in a lounge, that is the hour when secret concerns and hopes are shared, out of the staff's earshot.
17. The insomniac is habitually afflicted with wakefulness at times when he wishes to sleep.
18. He was a light sleeper, for long periods an insomniac.
19. For some reason, though, my true feelings only seem to come out during insomniac attacks between 3am and 6am.
20. And research published yesterday found that a woman's inability to fall asleep can be bad for marriage. Insomniac husbands, however, do not have the same detrimental effect on wedded bliss.
21. Here's a favorite silly joke I can't resist passing along: What does an agnostic, dyslexic insomniac do?
22. I wish you knew me before I was an insomniac because I used to be a really nice person.
23. Nov. 15: Hughes named Cy Young winner. "I owe it all to the faith an insomniac blogger had in me, " he says.
24. You lit a candle and put it on my chest. The red candle wax kept dripping down. That night, I lay insomniac in the sounds of the rain.
25. Smile. Here's a favorite silly joke I can't resist passing along: What does an agnostic, dyslexic insomniac do?
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