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Squad in a sentence

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Sentence count:206+8 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: bandbodycompanycrewganggroupoutfittroopunitSimilar words: squarepersuadesqueezequarterqualifyequationquantityadequateMeaning: [skwɑd /skwɒd]  n. 1. a smallest army unit 2. a cooperative unit. 
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1. He was executed by firing squad.
2. The squad leader ordered the men to mark time.
3. An army bomb squad arrived and defused the bomb.
4. The prisoners were executed by firing squad.
5. Bomb Squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device.
6. They've got together a good squad for the World Cup.
7. A soldier would rather face a firing squad a thousand times over than just once have to look his own colleagues in the eye knowing he had failed them.
8. He could face a firing squad if found guilty of the charges.
9. Everyone was surprised at her omission from the squad.
10. Many died in front of the firing squad.
11. Eight of their 24-man squad are injured.
12. Fraud squad officers raided the firm's offices.
13. The drug squad turned the apartment inside out.
14. Illness forced his resignation from the squad.
15. She was kicked out of the squad.
16. My squad were on sentry duty last night.
17. She was executed by firing squad.
18. He's working in the drugs squad.
19. The sergeant barked an order to his squad.
20. The club is under investigation by the fraud squad.
21. The drugs squad operates in the greatest secrecy.
22. The building was evacuated and the bomb squad called.
23. Cole was recalled to the squad to replace the injured Quinn.
24. As a member of an elite army hit squad,[] the army would send us out to do their dirty work for them.
25. The Fraud Squad are on her track and she's trying to get out of the country.
26. They have both been recalled to the Welsh squad .
27. Sean O'Leary has been named in the England squad to tour Argentina.
28. Murat had looked into the eyes of the firing squad without flinching.
29. He knew he was be in with a shout of making Craig Brown's squad for Japan.
30. He was in contention for a place in the European championship squad.
More similar words: squarepersuadesqueezequarterqualifyequationquantityadequatein quantityloquaciousearthquakequarterbackquarrel withheadquarters
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