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Never-never in a sentence

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Sentence count:23Posted:2017-02-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nevernever mindin every wayneverthelessmore than everevereveryfeverMeaning: n. 1. installment plan 2. the remote outback of Australia; unpopulated desert country. 
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1. We became suspended in some stately never-never land of pleasure, luxury and idleness.
2. I don't like buying things on the never-never because they charge you such a lot in interest.
3. The play was set in a 1950s never-never land where everybody dresses like TV characters.
4. Sloppy people live in Never-Never Land.
5. We bought this house on the never-never.
6. On the rise, on the edge, on the never-never.
7. He lived in a never-never land and could hardly he expected to understand the sufferings of the poor.
8. He lived in a never-never land and could hardly be expected to understand the sufferings of the poor .
9. I bought the car on the never-never so that I'd have enough cash left to tax and insure it.
10. In contrast, American consumers have been living in never-never land, financing their spending by borrowing against illusory gains in wealth.
10. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
11. He often dreamed of a never-never land where everyone is rich.
12. If he thinks we can get this done by next week, he's living in never-never land.
13. From thence he progressed into Formula Ford, with an Alexis that he bought on the never-never.
14. Many see their first shooting star, and with that, drift off to never-never land.
15. They just let you go on buying on the never-never.
16. But does a baby realize that a ball that rolls under a chair does not disappear and go to never-never land?
17. But now social commentators are starting to wonder how long tomorrow's leaders can keep living in a Peter Pan Never-Never Land.
18. Communism is merely some meaningless utopian notion(, in some far-off never-never land.
19. Regardless of whether tomorrow we will learn together, but as long as we cherish the never-never a sufficient second.
20. A"Peter Pan", is a character in a fairy - tale. He goes to a place called Never-never Land where he never grows up.
21. A ball that rolls under a chair doesn't disappear and go to never-never land.
22. The story is about a boy who lives in Neverland, better known as Never-Never Land, a country where no child ever grows up.
23. No one else can ever possess my heart - never-never - Oh God, why must one be parted from one whom one so loves.
More similar words: nevernever mindin every wayneverthelessmore than everevereveryfeversevercleverreverefor everhoweverever sorevertseverereverseeveryoneseveralreverentseverelyever sinceperseverereversalevery otherfeverishwhateverevery bitevery inchreverence
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