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Public debt in a sentence

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Sentence count:47Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: publicrepublicin publicpubliclyRepublicanpublicitypublic goodpublicationMeaning: n. the total of the nation's debts: debts of local and state and national governments; an indicator of how much public spending is financed by borrowing instead of taxation. 
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1. The Maastricht rules also impose strict limits on public debt.
2. That issue, its first public debt sale, was priced to yield 7. 25 percent.
3. The criteria for budget deficits and public debt require spending cuts.
4. Nor was Italy's public debt downgraded.
5. As Jamel Belhaj, General Director of Public Debt in Tunisia, puts it, "It is very important for us to maintain an optimal combination of fixed and floating rate debt to manage our debt service costs.
6. And although the nominal amount of public debt didn't decline, it did come down from some 30 percent of gross domestic product in the early 1790s to a bit more than 10 percent by 1815.
7. Instead, an orderly restructuring of Greece's public debt is needed now.
8. Now , the irredeemable perpetual public debt presupposes the stability of purchasing power.
9. Public debt held by banks would set the money supply.
10. Be the money that goes from public debt remit want invoice?
11. He also argued that Italy's huge public debt ( more than its GDP ) makes generosity reckless.
12. How the public debt is to be paid or specie payments resumed is not so important as that a plan should be adopted and acquiessced in.
13. When an individual finances public debt through the purchase of treasury bills(, the individual's time preference will change in favor of future goods.
14. Its gross public debt is forecast to be 85 % this year.
15. When you come out of this crisis, public debt in the western world be enormous.
16. Elorriaga had decided to withdraw when Congress refused to support his proposals on taxation and on the refunding of the public debt.
17. The budget deficit quadrupled in the 1980s, and the public debt followed it into the stratosphere.
18. High military expenditure will fuel inflation, reduce international competitiveness, and balance of payments crises will occur as public debt increases.
19. As we will discover in Chapter 15, in recent years large Federal deficits have caused the public debt to rise sharply.
20. Surplus countries are unwilling to stimulate consumption, while deficit countries are building unsustainable public debt.
21. Most important, even if Americans become thriftier , soaring public debt may crowd out private investment more than in Japan, which, unlike America, is a creditor country.
22. In "China's Water Pistol," Paul Krugman turned commentary on China into a general attack on those who remain wary of the United States' large public debt.
23. In terms of book - keeping this would almost double the public debt, but that is rather misleading.
24. The net cost—and hence the net addition to long-term public debt—will be much smaller.
24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
25. China is a creditor country with large current account surpluses, a small budget deficit, much lower public debt as a share of G.D.P. than the United States, and solid growth.
26. The figure is updated daily on the website of the Treasury's Bureau Public Debt.
27. In 2010 it will have to replace some $65 billion in public debt, and fear of default has driven up the interest rate on new Greek government debt to 6 percent.
28. After reaching the best position since 2000, the overall budgetary position is also set to deteriorate while the rescue packages could raise public debt.
29. President Arthur was more successful in getting Congress to reduce the public debt. During his term, the debt was cut by more than four hundred million dollars.
30. The next government must deal with a woeful inheritance of vaulting public debt.
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