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Prosperity in a sentence

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Sentence count:189+10Posted:2017-01-17Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: successfulnessSimilar words: prosperprospectasperityintrospectintrospectionretrospectiveausterityposterityMeaning: [prɑ'sperətɪ /prɒ-]  n. 1. an economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment 2. the condition of prospering; having good fortune. 
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151 Both of these will boost trade and increase our prosperity.
152 They are the generators of the material prosperity which is now taken for granted in the West.
153 Prosperity came to Knock, as pilgrims came from far and wide; and Father Cavanagh kept his ears.
154 Second,[sentence dictionary] the prosperity and even the survival of many private enterprises depends largely on the workings of the social services.
155 Significantly, this new prosperity is not confined to the business elite or even the emerging middle class.
156 Many Basques quietly agree that only a negotiated end to the conflict will bring back peace and prosperity to their region.
157 There has been a promise that prosperity will be permanent.
158 We believe that what we have agreed today will be a milestone on the road to true peace and prosperity in our country.
159 This time, it sits on a siding as other, more suitable engines of growth and prosperity speed by.
160 To appear round and full was to exhibit the characteristics of prosperity and the patent outcome of regular meals.
161 It is generally, in the season of prosperity that men discover their real temper[], principles and design. Edmund Burke 
162 Her own prosperity depended to some degree on providing loans to stimulate overseas economies in which her own products could be sold.
163 The Balerno Branch Railway opened in August 1874 and this assured prosperity for these villages.
164 For all its imperfections, land reform is essential to racial peace, economic prosperity, and, arguably, environmental justice.
165 Almost exactly parallel with the growth of business prosperity in the town was the growth of Methodism.
166 Such marginalization of older people was accompanied by increasing material prosperity and political activism.
167 I believe that it would cost jobs and cost prosperity in this country.
168 The crime wave that spurred them has been falling steadily in times of greater economic prosperity.
169 They had the opportunity to make up for this loss by sharing in 40 years of prosperity under a democratic system.
170 The outcome could have widened the already-growing gap between rich and poor and profoundly affected our economic prosperity for decades.
171 Prosperity was an endless prairie, and corporations expanded almost exponentially to fill those empty spaces.
172 The international economic environment Most economists are agreed that the period 1948 to 1973 was one of increasing world prosperity.
173 Forbes, speaking by telephone, promoted his flat tax plan as a catalyst for economic prosperity.
174 As always with such radical experiments, business people feared for their prosperity, equating passing traffic with increased turnover.
175 His presence at Bath indicates the town's prosperity and perhaps reflects the concentration of rich villas surrounding it.
176 In Britain, despite growing national prosperity, one in four children is growing up in poverty.
177 The state is seen as corrupt and callous, incapable of delivering justice or prosperity to the people.
178 The early post-war years saw a rapid rise in prosperity and with it a desire to own motor cars.
179 Babergh starkly illustrates the brittleness of its prosperity at any given moment.
180 She also quickly realized that economic prosperity would more than make up for her political defeat.
More similar words: prosperprospectasperityintrospectintrospectionretrospectiveausterityposterityto speak ofso to speakinheritheritageprosecuteprostratecriteriaprosecutorpurityprosecutionminoritymajorityalacritysecurityprioritymeritocracyobscurityintegrityauthoritycelebritymediocritysimilarity
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