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Prior in a sentence

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Sentence count:259+15Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: beforeearlierformerpreviousAntonym: posteriorSimilar words: prior toprioritywarriorinteriorseniorjuniorriotbehaviorMeaning: ['praɪə(r)]  n. the head of a religious order; in an abbey the prior is next below the abbot. adj. earlier in time. 
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211. Under the terms of the agreement a state of transition was established prior to the creation of the third republic within 18 months.
212. Missed departure Strike, riot or civil commotion in respect of which a warning has been given prior to the date this insurance is purchased.
213. Prior to the technical innovations by the Coal Board, miners had been used to working in small autonomous groups or teams.
214. Problems by the bushel await Prior and his recently appointed team of deputies.
215. A duty to provide accommodation at the inn without prior contract to any traveller seeking accommodation.
216. Even Cockerton could not escape progress and in 1860 John Prior began building the street of houses that still bear his name.
217. A number of factors combined to explain why this was the case prior to 1959.
218. Johnson had two prior convictions for residential burglaries and a history of petty crimes.
219. There was an immediate outcry. Prior consent is a condition of genetic testing.
220. Indeed, some insurance companies have tried to do this by requiring prior approval for treatment.
221. These were most likely to have been zeroed by the action of sunlight prior to their deposition on the sea bed.
222. The period of consciousness, while the victims were being crushed prior to their death, lasted some 30 minutes at most.
223. The company said the additional line of credit will be used to finance the daily purchase of auto receivables prior to securitization.
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224. Prior to reassembly flush valve to remove sediment.
225. Obtain hot work permit prior to commencing work.
226. The Shuttle Bus Schedule may be changed without prior notice.
227. All specs and applications shown above subject to change without prior notice.
228. Reoxidation of the polysilicon sidewall prior to silicon nitride spacer formation exacerbates the undercut.
229. Meanwhile, Lanxiang was a little - known vocational school prior to last week's reports.
230. A peaceful talk should be arranged prior to any saber rattling.
231. As an example of such useless lands , the court referred to a prior case salt marsh.
232. Prior to at whether or not the best drink after pasteurization.
233. Read the agenda prior to the meeting and bring along a notepad.
234. Surface water containing high turbidity may require sedimentation prior to chemical treatment.
235. Marion had just been to see me, and had a prior claim so to speak.
236. Exclude all nonessential personnel from the farm . Visitors shower prior to entering the unit.
237. No NIBCO valves are to be returned without prior written agreement.
238. It will not identify victims prior to notifying next of kin.
239. In the three days prior to the Spokane trip[], the logged two hours and 32 minutes.
240. A'sorted deck'is a pack of cards not randomized from its prior condition.
More similar words: prior toprioritywarriorinteriorseniorjuniorriotbehaviorperiodbehavioralvariouscuriousscenariocenturionmysteriouslaboriouslyprizeprintprimepricepriestcompriseprivacyprisonerprimaryprincipalprinciplespring upsprinkleprimarily
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