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Preacher in a sentence

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Sentence count:113+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-01-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: preacher mansermonisersermonizerSimilar words: treacherypreachteacherreachoutreachreach outeachpeachMeaning: ['prɪːtʃə(r)]  n. someone whose occupation is preaching the gospel. 
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1. A preacher stood declaiming in the town centre.
2. Edwards is a Methodist lay preacher and social worker.
3. The preacher amplified on the theme of brotherly love.
4. The preacher was circuiting about the state.
5. He was a blood-and-thunder preacher.
6. He is doubling the parts of a preacher and a teacher.
7. Yellow flight, this is Preacher Six. Pick your spots.
8. Perhaps I was wrong to become a preacher.
9. Suddenly the skinny preacher stepped forward.
10. A non-conformist lay preacher, he fought the November byelection.
11. The preacher turned his volume up.
11. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
12. Vanity, all is vanity, saith the preacher.
13. A good preacher sends you out feeling more empowered.
14. A lay preacher, his house was the meeting-place of a gathered church by 1649.
15. No stormy preacher, President Witherspoon quietly won the confidence of his colleagues.
16. Riker, a radio preacher, saw his popularity decline after World War II.
17. Mr McCrea, a preacher and successful gospel singer, was parachuted in from the neighbouring Mid-Ulster constituency.
18. John How was a solid good preacher but not a magnet to multitudes.
19. As a retreat conductor, preacher and speaker for religious communities in the Assembly and the Synod he had few rivals.
20. He could have been a preacher himsel Everything went dead quiet.
21. He's one of those evangelists who is part preacher, part TV personality.
22. The country preacher led the village rector up the steps and into the dim interior of the oldest store in several counties.
23. I still felt grumpy, but as the preacher got going I also discovered that somehow I wanted him to do well.
24. Clinton rarely offers direct challenges to the people; he prefers to play the preacher and the conciliator.
25. Peter of Corbeil was a theologian who lectured on scripture and was famous as a preacher.
26. It was a strange step from poacher to street comer preacher[], but was doubtless sincere.
27. A meticulous tinkerer with a balding pate and a white-frosted red beard, he is as stern as a preacher.
28. Richard Baxter by this time was at the peak of his ability as a preacher.
29. Sister Aimee was a talented thespian as well as a legendarily eloquent preacher.
30. What a lot of stupid people they are to listen to a preacher anyway!
More similar words: treacherypreachteacherreachoutreachreach outeachpeachteachbeachimpeacheach otheracheeach timebleachingpoachedtake a chanceimpeachmentreactattachedreact toreactionsemidetachedspreadspread outpreamblewidespreadspread overpeaceat peace
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