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Poultry in a sentence

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Sentence count:202+3Posted:2017-04-13Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: domestic fowlfowlSimilar words: poulticesultryultrasoundultravioletultramodernultraviolet lightultranationalistmulticulturalMeaning: ['pəʊltrɪ]  n. 1. a domesticated gallinaceous bird thought to be descended from the red jungle fowl 2. flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for food. 
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61. Young poultry is marketed at such an early age that these differences have practically ceased to exist. 8.
62. We shall push on all those matters in the interests of the United Kingdom poultry industry.
63. I.. Because all meat and poultry must be inspected, the consumer expects to buy only wholesome products.
64. They do not taste like poultry but instead taste like the meat products for which they are named.
65. After the soup came courses of fish, meat, game and poultry, followed by a ragout with truffles.
66. Thorough cooking kills harmful bacteria, so be sure ground meat and poultry are cooked to the well-done stage.
67. When shopping, keep raw meats and poultry separate from other foods in the cart, especially fresh produce.
68. Not an inch in his Garden unimproved or unadorned, his very Poultry made happy by fifty little neat Contrivances.
69. The percentage of poultry meat may decrease to 50 percent if statement is made of the percentage of broth. 6.
70. Federal inspection is required for all meat and poultry products.
71. Keep it that way by preventing it coming into contact with raw meat, poultry and fish.
72. A large proportion of meat and poultry food products move in interstate commerce.
73. Other poultry, especially quail or chicken in a red wine sauce, also marry beautifully with Pinot Noir.
74. Mr. Hind My hon. Friend will be aware of concern in the poultry industry about meat inspection.
75. Yogurt acts like a moisturizing cream,( and it makes the poultry so tender.
76. Seated, district poultry manager; senior sales specialist; game feed manager and poultry district manager.
77. Two or fewer servings meat, poultry or fish Four to five servings nuts, seeds and legumes per week.
78. Shopping for Quail Quail, one of the most widely available of all game birds, are stocked in many poultry departments.
79. The poultry industry also began distributing turkey ham, turkey salami, turkey pastrami, and turkey bologna.
80. For grilled chicken, as with other grilled poultry, almost invariably I choose a red.
81. Cooked poultry roasts must have been heated to an internal temperature of 160-F.
82. She is seeking funding for a range of projects from tailoring and knitting bazaars to poultry raising.
83. Standards for evaluating quality in different kinds of meat poultry, and fish have been established.
84. Animals might mature faster: a pressurised poultry house, for example, could hurry chickens to earlier adulthood.
85. It's most unlikely that will be achieved if the rolled joint or poultry is cooked from frozen. 3.
86. She may have had some outdoor work as well, such as feeding poultry.
87. Wash your hands after using the bathroom, before beginning food preparation and after working with raw meat or poultry.
87. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
88. Dr Binger keeps poultry, pigs and goats.
89. What do you feed the poultry on?
90. Poultry hauling equipment likewise can disseminate infectious material.
More similar words: poulticesultryultrasoundultravioletultramodernultraviolet lightultranationalistmulticulturalpaltrysoulfoulmouldghoulcouldwouldjouleshouldmouldyfoullyaltruistaltruismmaltreatwould-besmouldershoulderpoutpouraltruisticinfiltratespout
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