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Pole in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+20Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: barbeampostrodshaftstickSimilar words: polypollwholerolesolepolicepolicyapologyMeaning: [pəʊl]  n. 1. a long (usually round) rod of wood or metal or plastic 2. a native or inhabitant of Poland 3. one of two divergent or mutually exclusive opinions 4. a linear measure of 16.5 feet 5. a square rod of land 6. one of two points of intersection of the Earth's axis and the celestial sphere 7. one of two antipodal points where the Earth's axis of rotation intersects the Earth's surface 8. a contact on an electrical device (such as a battery) at which electric current enters or leaves 9. a long fiberglass sports implement used for pole vaulting 10. one of the two ends of a magnet where the magnetism seems to be concentrated. v. 1. propel with a pole 2. support on poles 3. deoxidize molten metals by stirring them with a wooden pole. 
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181. Besides, he was funny and youthful, the opposite pole to Matthew Blake.
182. But his heir, the present duke, no longer holds pole position.
183. In her winter coat she appeared to be little more than a central pole with a tent draped from her shoulders.
184. When the women reached the pole they raised the Union Jack, sang the national anthem and drank champagne.
185. He's also planned a route to the south pole of Mars.
186. These represent segments of small circles concentric about the pole of rotation with respect to which the diverging plates are moving.
187. Training starts with a pole inclined against a wall for assistance.
188. Mansell dominated from pole position and never lost the lead, finishing nearly 10 seconds ahead of Williams team-mate, Riccardo Patrese.
189. Both the Corporation and the Company had always turned trolleys with a hooked bamboo pole.
190. I used the long maple pole to again pound my way through the ice before lowering the bucket down with the rope.
191. At the pole, we fill the tanks with 400 tons of water and 700 tons of hydrogen and oxygen.
192. Four guylines are attached half way up the pole sleeve to storm-lash the tent - great for very high winds.
193. His pole was impaling her to the absolute limit, and she began panting as if she'd just run the four-minute mile.
194. A single antelope stood in the line of shadow of a telephone pole.
195. When this dominant fish dies or is removed,( his place is taken by the next man on the totem pole.
196. Railway Bridge area most productive with chub from Rother mouth on pole and maggot.
197. She hung on tightly as the pole veered violently round.
198. My master manoeuvred himself round, using his hand to scoop out the icy water, shouting at me to pole faster.
199. Kenardington and Warehorne for roach and odd bream on pole and caster.
200. Cross the stile near an electricity pole and continue to the main road.
201. In 1908 he won an Olympic gold medal in the pole vault.
202. For R N transitions they should have plotted the north magnetic pole.
203. There is a special kind of cytoplasm, called the pole plasm, already present at one end of the fertilized egg.
204. The traditional brass pole will add a touch of classical elegance to a room.
205. But the sign on a pole at the corner said Mercedes Avenue.
206. She had her own fishing pole and hiking boots, a sleeping bag in case they decided to camp out.
207. One of the males used a length of cut hazel to pole the craft out of the willow wood and into clear water.
208. In second place came the McLaren-Mercedes of David Coulthard,[] who began from pole position.
209. Large shoes connected to tall adults swarmed around me and the pole.
210. The base of each pole is then inserted into brass eyelets on nylon webbing which are attached to the groundsheet.
More similar words: polypollwholerolesolepolicepolicyapologyas a wholesolelypoliticalapologizepollutionviolentpoliticallypoliticianon the wholemoleculetoleratetolerancemetropolitanno less thanadolescentcholesterolthe proletariat
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