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Physiology in a sentence

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Sentence count:245+6Posted:2017-05-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: physiognomybiologyetiologyaudiologysociologyaetiologyepidemiologyneurobiologyMeaning: n. 1. the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms 2. processes and functions of an organism. 
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121. The 3 rd heart sounds is physiology sex, without pathology meaning.
122. An ornithologist is a professional birder with advanced scientific training about not only bird species but also about behavior, anatomy, physiology and bird species history.
123. Organic acids have various physiology functions, which can notably depress ablactation hyperirritability, reduce diarrhea, thus promote growth performance.
124. Vitellogenesis directly influences tick reproductive ability, and is always a very active research field in tick physiology.
125. Subject_Topical_Eng: Foundation Medical; Pathological Reacher; Anthropotomy ; Histiocytic Embryology; Pathology and Physiology; Immunology.
126. Artificial neural network, a kind of computer artificial intelligence technology, can simulate human thinking based on neural structure and physiology.
127. Come so, the excitement of pallium and restrain a level to be in relative balance physiology position to fall from beginning to end, more be helpful for diurnal job and study.
128. In this thesis, the biological characteristic of Dunaliella salina, which included the axenic purification, physiology characteristics and genetics characteristics, was studied systematically.
129. The photosynthetic physiology and correlative physiological indexes of Phyllitis japonica responsed to the different degrees of drought treatment significantly.
130. We will describe in some detail psychophysics and physiology of object recognition.
131. Objective: To evaluate changes of neuroelectricity physiology in involved side in patients after stroke.
132. Researchers hope to dissect the underlying physiology of an economic problem, revealing how the leg bone is connected to the thigh bone.
133. Hoffmann the winners of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
134. The university student is being in the youthful days, its physiology and the psychological rapid trend are mature, but also not mature.
135. Kumquat; Chitosan; Postharvest physiology.
136. Sir Alexander shared the 1945 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine with Ernst Chain and Sir Howard Florey for the discovery of penicillin and its curative effect on infectious diseases.
137. The advances of staple food bamboo on its resource; the characteristics of bioecology; the features of physiology and biochemistry and rejuvenation are discussed in this paper.
138. If this theory is true, environmental conditions could influence g by modifying brain physiology in some manner.
139. Based on these results, the effects of ethephon on physiology in maize may be divided into two phases-primary and secondary effects.
140. Prof. of Physiology: Kiss is the juxtaposition of two oris muscles in the state of contraction.
141. Continuous cropping soil microflora changed from Bacteria type to Fungi type significiently, of which Ammoniation bacterium and Fusarium oxysporum were main physiology groups.
142. This article suggests a research and production of a simulant electric teaching aid in accordance with the physiology process of knee jerk.
143. Factors affecting children's social shrinkage include internal physiology, cognitive modes and external parent-offspring relationship and companionate relationship.
144. Relative fatness indices, also termed as body condition indices and ponderal index, were well used in ecology, physiology, biochemistry, genetics and culture of vertebrates and some invertebrates.
145. The methods and results of research are valuable to phonatory physiology, the diagnosis...
146. This thesis studied some physiological property on reproductive growth phase of CMS line and maintainer line of sugarbeet adopting the method of comparative physiology.
147. Her rival says she basically has no physiology function, is a bisexual person, I think this kind of standpoint can't believe.
147. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
148. So Just to recap there's Sports Psychology, Sports Management, and Sports Physiology.
149. Determination of death in ectothermic animals may be more difficult due to differences in their physiology.
150. In mammals, including humans, a master clock in the brain and subordinate clocks found in organs throughout the body coordinate daily, or circadian, rhythms of behavior and physiology.
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