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Physiology in a sentence

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Sentence count:245+6Posted:2017-05-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: physiognomybiologyetiologyaudiologysociologyaetiologyepidemiologyneurobiologyMeaning: n. 1. the branch of the biological sciences dealing with the functioning of organisms 2. processes and functions of an organism. 
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91. Typical subjects include the science of nutrition, human anatomy and physiology, organic chemistry, food laboratory techniques, applied statistics, and related topics.
92. Method The toxication have been tested by the respiratory system and the circulatory system on the aspect of physiology and pathology.
93. This kind of fatigue condition must undertake adjust and resumptive , can make physiology function disorder otherwise, neurological adjustment malfunction, reduce disease resistance capacity.
94. The appropriate biogenic amines are beneficial to normal physiology function of human body, but over absorption of which would have undesirable physiological effects on human beings.
95. The system can achieve the requirement of experiment and research in university. It can be apply widely to the research of plant physiology, bionomy , agriculture, forestry and molecule biology etc.
96. In the recent years, the priority in microsporidian invasion researches has been advanced from the activators to the physiology and biochemistry of the spores.
97. Labs include bacteriology , physiology and comparative anatomy through dissection, AnatomyPhysiology, teacher recommendation.
98. In order to study physiology value of colonic pouch anastomoses after rectal carcinoma excision in schistosomiasis.
99. Evolutionary biologists uncover the history of life on Earth from geology, paleontology, botany, zoology, biogeography, comparative anatomy and physiology, genetics, and so on.
100. This paper is to study the response of Azolla filiculoides Lamk in growth and physiology to different concentration of Pb and Hg.
101. In fact, behaviorism would outlaw the study of human action and substitute physiology for it.
102. Future prospects in the study of nutrient, physiology, genetic characteristics as well as exploitation and utilization of Morchella fungi resources are advanced.
103. Researches on exercise induced fatigue is one of theof current sports physiology and sports medicine.
104. Castrato, the special singer which created in medieval Europe, is the combination of religion and human physiology of that age.
105. In order to elucidate the physiology mechanism of pinching in bud stage to accelerate tuberization(, the changes of endogenous hormones in the process of tuber formation in potato(Solanum tuberosum L.
106. One envies so inquisitive a man as Jowett, who sat down to the study of physiology in his sixties.
107. This paper introduces "environmental training method" in listening teaching from the angle of psychology and physiology according to existing problems: brain-fag and nerve tenseness.
108. Finally, it indicated emphatically that combine cognitive psycology and nerval physiology, and will get progress in memory study.
109. Its scientific programme is based on the study, analysis and interpretation of taxonomy, chorology, ecology, ethology, animal physiology, parasitology and the problems of zoonosis.
110. Before female physiology is periodic because of pelvic antrum hyperaemia, uterus greatens oppress lower limbs, influence blood circulates and cause oedema.
111. The observing results showed that there probably existed in different types of physiology between the Hymenolepis diminuta in human being and the ones in the rat.
112. Objective: Establish the normal physiology index , haematology index and biochemistry index.
113. Accrding to human physiology, dotted massage of the arch can help the foot arch support well, which is good for games and sports.
114. The review prolactin physiology, hyperprolactinemia induced by psychotropic drugs, phenomenon and treatment of hyperprolactinemia.
115. Muscle physiology expert Stuart Phillips of McMaster University in Canada said he was quite convinced by the study results.
116. Among them, the osmoregulation is an important mechanism of physiology by which the plants fit the adverse circumstances.
117. But the reason that withered black poplar branches attract Helicoverpa armmigera is not clear. The article study on the reason in behavior and physiology .
118. Clearly, the neurochemistry(, anatomy and physiology of our evolved nervous system escapes your broken reciever.
119. Infant wrapping grows often be physiology sex too, arrived after adolescence glans still cannot show ability to call packet of bine or wrapping to grow too tardy.
120. Anatomy, physiology and kinesiology of the human body are studied.
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