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Astrophysics in a sentence

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Sentence count:49+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-17Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: astrophysicistphysicscatastrophephysicalphysicallyphysiciancatastrophicallytrophyMeaning: [‚æstrəʊ'fɪzɪks]  n. the branch of astronomy concerned with the physical and chemical properties of celestial bodies. 
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1. He is using theories on the frontier of astrophysics.
2. This module was designed for astrophysics research.
3. Astronomy and Astrophysics Modern astrophysics studies the formation, structure and evolution of stars and galaxies and of the Universe itself.
4. He eventually graduated as a bachelor of astrophysics at London University.
5. She nailed her astrophysics course.
6. Competition in everything from astrophysics to athletics was treated as a zero - sum game .
7. The main principle and applications to astrophysics of PCA are reviewed in this paper.
8. I am an astrophysics student for the University of TX.
9. We provide courses in the field of physics, astrophysics and mathematics.
10. The Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) astronomers studied two dusty regions of star formation in the constellation Serpens Cauda, located 15,000 light years away.
11. For this very reason(, progress of modern astrophysics requires access to the electromagnetic spectrum in the broadest energy range.
12. This paper touches the progress in VLBI astrophysics concerning some high lights of extragalactic continuum astronomy, interstellar masers and pulsars and stars from VLBI observations.
13. Clearly infrared observations are set to make a large impact on astronomy and astrophysics during the next few years.
14. This is accomplished by metaphorically fitting the discourse of astrophysics on to that of psychology.
15. I was drawn to the women on the faculty, especially in astrophysics.
16. Due to their high luminosity and high mass-loss rates, massive stars are playing an important role in the studies of modern astrophysics, such as the formation and the evolution of galaxies.
17. So for decades, astronomers have used it as a "standard candle" in the field of high-energy astrophysics.
18. A full study will be detailed in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics.
19. All of these contentions are consistent with, and supported by, the present state of astrophysics.
20. Last week Leon Golub of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics had put the odds of the August 1 solar flare producing auroras at about 50-50.
21. His other scientific interests concern cosmology and high - energy astrophysics.
22. Will Wright is the great polymath of interactive design, weaving theories of architecture, astrophysics, and urban planning into his videogames.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. "There's a definite logic to his analysis, " Phillip Sadler, a celestial navigation expert at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told
24. Electron-impact excitation of atomic oxygen is of great interest in aeronomy and astrophysics.
25. The imaging hard X-ray telescopes provide better resolution and sensitivity for studying hard X-ray astrophysics.
26. A professor of planetary sciences and physics, Lunine chairs the Theoretical Astrophysics Program at the University of Arizona.
27. Its observed findings are expected to have major contributions to high energy astrophysics.
28. We are entering here into one of the most complex domains in astrophysics.
29. Dr. Laura Ferrarese , a Senior Researcher at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics in Victoria, suggests that a rogue black hole may set its voracious appetite on Earth.
30. Magnetic field's research is indispensable to solar physics and even to astrophysics.
More similar words: astrophysicistphysicscatastrophephysicalphysicallyphysiciancatastrophicallytrophyphysical educationatrophyclaustrophobiaclaustrophobicdiaphysisphysiognomyprophylaxisastrolabeastrologyastronautastronomerdisastrousmurphy's lawhystericstheosophyneophytephilosophymusic standprophetprophesyelectrolysisprophetic
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