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Phase in a sentence

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Sentence count:239+17Posted:2016-07-16Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: aspectstagestateSimilar words: emphasiselephantemphasizecaseeasebasein caselaserMeaning: [feɪz]  n. 1. (physical chemistry) a distinct state of matter in a system; matter that is identical in chemical composition and physical state and separated from other material by the phase boundary 2. any distinct time period in a sequence of events 3. a particular point in the time of a cycle; measured from some arbitrary zero and expressed as an angle 4. (astronomy) the particular appearance of a body's state of illumination (especially one of the recurring shapes of the part of Earth's moon that is illuminated by the sun). v. 1. arrange in phases or stages 2. adjust so as to be in a synchronized condition. 
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91. During the early phase of reintroductions patients continued with elemental diet as a nutritional supplement.
92. The seven-man, five-woman jury that convicted McVeigh on all counts last week is now in the penalty phase of the trial.
93. The fraction of cells in S phase did not differ significantly between the groups.
94. Then chaotic behaviour recurs, with the phase space trajectories being initially confined to bands and subsequently filling a whole region.
95. Daily newspapers are now becoming popular, providing the first phase of what will later become known as the mass media.
96. Our data show that the addition of lecithin shifts biliary cholesterol from the vesicular to the non-vesicular phase.
97. The moving phase is any suitable solvent which travels along the paper by capillary action.
98. These great trees that mark old boundaries are still deep in their dark phase.
99. Final phase of the approval process to build 212 town houses on 25.82 acres.
100. The first step command is then sent to the excitation sequence control, which changes the phase excitation in the motor.
101. Some high technology products require a tremendous amount of computer programming during the design phase.
102. There was no significant difference in percentage of cells in S phase in the distal colon of rats in both diet groups.
103. Separation of the components on or in the stationary phase by a continuous flow of the mobile phase.
104. City officials have implemented what they call Phase I of a contingency plan aimed at bringing pollution levels down.
105. Such phase changes occur when minerals adopt different atomic configurations as temperatures and pressures change.
106. He drew three phase electrical diagrams with a less than comprehensive knowledge of the subject in hand.
107. An example of this phase is gigabit networking(, described in Section 3. 4. 3.
108. Evening meal together, and detailed briefing for next phase of free sailing.
109. But this latest phase has now also emboldened Bush to press forward with his agenda in strong, conservative strokes.
110. Mrs Clinton has said she had no role in that phase of the matter, and no evidence contradicts her.
111. The Stalinist phase did all but irreparable damage to the international reputation of Soviet historiography.
112. Figure 4 shows the percentage of biliary cholesterol in the vesicular phase as a function of the amount of lecithin added.
113. The second phase would be carried out by the dispersal of nurses and psychologists into general practice surgeries and day hospitals.
114. Thus, without any change in the composition across the boundary, the phase change produces a temporarily layered mantle.
115. Phases of multiply measured reflections were combined using the phase probability coefficients.
116. In the past year the first phase of the analysis of bus passenger casualties highlighted in the 1991 Plan has been undertaken.
117. Earlier in the evening,( ) the House voted 209-212 against an amendment to phase out the federal peanut program over seven years.
118. The control unit then enters the execute phase, to carry out the operation decoded in the fetch phase.
119. This will follow completion of the fourth phase of Line 2 running southeast to Giza, now scheduled to open in 2000.
120. Bidders missing the deadline for offers or not shortlisted for the second phase may not be readmitted.
More similar words: emphasiselephantemphasizecaseeasebasein caselaserat easephrasepurchasein case ofreleasebased onin any casein a sensedatabasebasementdecreaseincreaseda series ofin this casein the case ofa case in point
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