Similar words: though, a thought, as though, even though, at the thought of, all through, thorough, fall through. Meaning: [ɔːlˈðəʊ; ɒl-] spite of the fact that; even though; though..

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4. They are generous although they are poor.
5. Although she is young, she is very independent.
6. Although he was ill, he went to work.
7. Although small, the kitchen is well designed.
8. Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day.
9. He was honing his razor although it's very sharp.
10. He keeps at his studies although he is ill.
11. Although he's quite old he's still very active.
12. Although he's nearly 80, he is still very active.
13. Although the sun was shining it wasn't very warm.
14. Although I poured it carefully, I still managed to spill some.
15. She walked home by herself, although she knew that it was dangerous.
16. Although patience and persistence is a painful thing, but it can gradually bring you the benefits.
17. Although Bill has been in trouble with the police,he earns an honest penny these days by driving a van.
18. I like her, although I could cheerfully throttle her at times .
19. Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much.
20. He went through with his plan although all his friends advised him to abandon it.
21. Although she is very poor, she has not lost her
22. Although we still depict nostalgic snow scenes on Christmas cards, winters are now very much warmer.
23. Although he had only entered the contest for fun, he won first prize.
24. Although officially a dependent territory the island is effectively autonomous.
25. Although I moistened it, the flap doesn't stick to the envelope.
26. Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life, they are imaginary.
27. Although my car is very old, it still runs very well.
28. Although it doesn't look like it, the whole thing is highly organized.
29. He hopes to live in although his home is not far from the college.
30. Although she's lived there for ten years, the villagers still treat her as an outsider.
More similar words: though, a thought, as though, even though, at the thought of, all through, thorough, fall through, pull through, throughout, thoroughly, wealth, health, wealthy, without, dough, go without, smooth out, do without, enough, ought to, drought, through, roughly, go through, without doubt, get through, run through, come through, put through.