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Parted in a sentence

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Sentence count:279+16Posted:2017-03-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: reparteewholeheartedwholeheartedlynapoleon bonapartepart and parcelcartelbarterheartenMeaning: ['pɑrtɪd /'pɑːt-]  adj. having a margin incised almost to the base so as to create distinct divisions or lobes. 
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(181) Whenever they were parted, always she would go through a particular agony.
(182) The crowd had parted to let them through, and Kathleen's fear for herself vanished as she took in the scene.
(183) We parted at Paddington, and assured them that they would have to change trains at Oxford.
(184) Joan Carrier; the head nurse, parted the onlookers, marched into the room and stood over the table.
(185) She had refused to be parted from it, and leniency had been shown during her first few days in new surroundings.
(186) She then parted Charlie's lips expertly before her tongue began to play with his.
(187) We parted with warm affection and I expect, someday, to hear he has been made a lieutenant.
(188) After the two Penns parted company, the son found solace in a happy marriage to GuliGulielma Maria Springett.
(189) He was still looking into her eyes and his mouth found her parted lips.
(190) Robson departs Bryan Robson has parted company with Middlesbrough after seven years in charge.
(191) His thick straight black hair was parted high on the left and plastered to his skull with hair oil.
(192) Thus Sanger and her paper, now named Birth Control Review, parted ways with her former financial backers.
(193) Russell was thirty-five, a short man with slicked-down hair parted in the middle.
(194) She parted the branches with her hands as she moved further into the forest.
(195) Within was the mummy of an old woman whose long, grey hair had been parted in the middle.
(195) try its best to gather and make good sentences.
(196) Her lips were parted and he could feel her heartbeat against his chest.
(197) She stirred and snuggled towards him, a low murmur of peace escaping from slightly parted lips.
(198) It was a second or two before it opened and when it did her lips parted silently.
(199) He was in a hurry, he told me as we shook hands and parted.
(200) He is leaving tomorrow, and I have parted them with my selfishness and my love.
(201) The heavy-lidded eyes were still half-open, the lips slightly parted; in the flickering torchlight the figure seemed to be asleep.
(202) His dark hair, long and straight, was parted in the middle.
(203) Bike and biker parted company and, some slow-motion seconds later(, my two front teeth touched down on the tarmac.
(204) We parted amicably, still holding different views of my worth!
(205) People parted respectfully to let the Chilcott boys pass, nodding and murmuring their approval.
(206) As he parted them, he heard the familiar snuffling as Miguelito fed cocaine into his nose.
(207) His tongue parted her lips sensuously and then he drew so hard on her mouth that her last vestige of hope disappeared.
(208) His golden hair was parted down the middle, and he wore a gold ring on his right hand.
(209) Craning my neck, I eyed the rubber flaps anxiously as they parted to reveal a glimpse of daylight.
(210) We walked the half-block to my car and then parted company.
More similar words: reparteewholeheartedwholeheartedlynapoleon bonapartepart and parcelcartelbarterheartencharterstarterquarteraborteddescartesdisheartendivertedassertedinvertedhearteningpartconverteddistortedcontortedquarterbacklast quarterreportedlyapartpartypartsfirst quarterkindergarten
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