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Panic in a sentence

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Sentence count:287+23Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: alarmawedreadfearfrightphobiascareterrorSimilar words: HispanicSpanishcompanionorganicmechanicmechanicalpanpantMeaning: ['pænɪk]  n. 1. an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxiety 2. sudden mass fear and anxiety over anticipated events. v. 1. be overcome by a sudden fear 2. cause sudden fear in or fill with sudden panic. 
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151. She was able to keep her head and not panic.
152. His publishers fell into panic, most bookshops caved in.
153. Something like panic overtook me.
154. While her eyes glazed with panic, his sparkled ironically.
155. One does not cry wolf with panic buttons.
156. He also experienced panic attacks from time to time.
157. Panic swept the city after the earthquake.
158. So complete darkness can cause panic.
159. Athens was evacuated, not without haste and panic.
160. Keep calm and try not to panic.
161. My panic reduced the interview to waffle.
162. It was manifesting itself in insomnia, panic attacks.
163. He was panicking; and panic invariably leads to mistakes.
164. A financial panic ensued, as frantic as the earlier boom.
165. His eyes swivelled in an old panic, trying to look inwards.
166. Excessive doses can cause panic, confusion, inability to sleep, hallucinations and paranoia.
167. It's easy to recognise its surface symptoms: the anger, the panic, the shakes and the collywobbles.
168. Mr Spock's ears are distractingly perky and he is apt to panic or, worse, to smile.
169. Hyperventilation and Anxiety Symptoms Symptoms of a panic attack initiated by adrenalin can never cause us to faint or be sick.
170. I lay there for what seemed like an eternity and feeling in a sort of panic.
171. Ursula Dean's palms were damp as panic pumped through her, escaping in hasty, shallow breathing and agitated heartbeats.
172. Richard was having a panic attack on Fifth Avenue, clutching a lamppost with arms that bulged like tin drums.
173. If your leg suddenly suffers from a bout of cramp, don't panic.
174. There was a period of comparative stagnation in the nineties and a brief interruption following the financial panic in 1907.
175. Insurers learned that the state regulators would, during the panic[], give away the store in rate increases.
176. The friend answered and a note of panic entered his voice when he discovered who it was.
177. In the bedlam of yelling and barking he danced from one foot to the other in a brief breathless panic.
178. I must confess to the odd panic attack every so often, though ... Now when was this memoir supposed to be in by?
179. From an assessment point of view this information establishes a baseline record of frequency of panic attacks or other physical symptoms.
180. I grabbed a chair in a blind panic but heard Dad call out, telling me to put it down.
More similar words: HispanicSpanishcompanionorganicmechanicmechanicalpanpantexpandcompanypanelaccompanyvanishniceexpansionorganismorganizeclinicethnicmechanismorganizedkeep an eye onparticipantmeaningfulmanipulatechroniclaconicclinicalkeep company withorganization
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