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Painting in a sentence

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Sentence count:265+79Posted:2017-03-29Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: house paintingpictureSimilar words: glintingintimidatingscintillatingpaintpainterpaintworkpainstakingpainstakinglyMeaning: ['peɪntɪŋ]  n. 1. graphic art consisting of an artistic composition made by applying paints to a surface 2. creating a picture with paints 3. the act of applying paint to a surface 4. the occupation of a house painter. 
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151. His most famous painting portrayed the death of Nelson.
152. Experts set a high valuation on the painting.
153. The painting is currently on view at the Tate.
154. Stacey spends all her free time painting.
155. She feasted her eyes on the beautiful painting.
155. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
156. The painting was knocked down for 5000.
157. This painting came under the hammer at Christie's today.
158. Painting flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century.
159. Experts put / set a high valuation on the painting.
160. The painting my grandfather gave me turned out to be a Constable.
161. In spite of some immaturity in the figure drawing and painting, it showed real imagination.
162. My first painting sold for £25, a small fortune then for an art student.
163. The decorating is as good as finished - I just need to finish off the painting.
164. The painting is a masterpiece in the truest sense of the word.
165. An aerosol spray will make short work of painting awkward objects.
166. I think what appeals to me about his painting is the colours he uses.
167. The artist had signed his name in the corner of the painting.
168. They thought the painting was a fake, but Shackleton knew better.
169. The painting depicts the Grand Canal, Venice, looking north from the Rialto Bridge.
170. The painting failed to reach to its reserve and was withdrawn from the sale.
171. Gazing at that majestic painting was for me an almost transcendental experience.
172. You must see the painting Paul has given me as a wedding present.
173. The painting is expected to fetch between two and three million pounds.
174. The painting was successfully repaired in time for the opening of the exhibition.
175. The barsh colours of the painting diluted in the strong light.
176. The centre of attraction was Pierre Auguste Renoir's oil painting.
177. He recognized the painting as an early work by Degas.
178. The painting would fetch several hundred dollars on the open market .
179. The painting will be put on public display next week.
180. Fine Arts is a generic term for subjects such as painting, music and sculpture.
More similar words: glintingintimidatingscintillatingpaintpainterpaintworkpainstakingpainstakinglyplaintiveplaintiffjust in timerantingwantingpantingrentinghuntingparentingmountingdauntingdissentingcontingentenchantingaccountingcontinuingcontingencyunrelentingintercontinentalinterestingunrelentinglyinterestingly
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