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Organizational in a sentence

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Sentence count:272+1Posted:2016-07-21Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: organizationorganizeorganizedorganicorganismnationaleducationalnationalismMeaning: [ˌɔːɡənaɪˈzeɪʃənl]  adj. of or relating to an organization. 
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211 Article from the factors that affect the reliability start from a detailed organizational measures and technical measures to talk about two ways to improve power supply reliability.
212 The technique of item-gain and item-loss was effective in discriminating elaborative processing from organizational processing.
213 What's the optimal way of working together - Social aspects of software dev teams, organizational alignment, compensation,self-organization, decision making, vision.
214 If we predefine the organizational structure of a machine, we predefine what problems it can solve.
215 Business processes seldom involve a single organizational unit,( or a single individual company.
216 These results provide some academic instructions for personnel selection, staff value instruction and building organizational culture of human resource management.
217 Is this arrangement still efficient?Through a dynamic game model with uncomplete information, this paper proves that this kind of transfer is an efficient form of organizational evolution.
218 In addition, it is helpful for knowledge sharing contexture by building up a trustful organizational culture and adopting proper managerial system.
219 The need is to implement strong organizational support which would help create a structured approach to performing social collaboration and minimize risks.
220 Company system is an efficient organizational form for modern enterprise system. While management structure of company's legal body is the core of the company system.
221 Obviously companies must strike a balance between achieving organizational objectives and satisfying customers.
222 In this case, a TreeItem widget is used as either a tree node or a tree leaf to represent an organizational unit and an employee,( respectively.
223 Instead of enterprise, they describe another organizational unit, such as corporate, department, or government.
224 We find strong support for the claim that the legitimation process has a relational foundation that involves ties between organizational entities and the external others with whom they interact.
225 The system of parent-subsidiary Corporation has already become the most important organizational form of corporate groups.
226 For this purpose, we adopt a critical discursive perspective that allows us to discover how specific conceptions of strategy work are reproduced and legitimized in organizational strategizing.
227 Incremental model Model of organizational decision making in which major solutions arise through a series of smaller decisions.
228 Organizational culture and organizational identity are both hotspots in management psychology research area in last thirty years.
229 Job satisfaction is one of the most popular concept in management psychology. It is commonly regarded as an important measurement indicator and organizational goal.
230 In our Main diagram we create a dependency relationship between the Specifications and Candidate Services Packages as a matter of good organizational form. See Figure 13.
231 Dr Kugelmass: That or they had the capacity to telefax it in, which wasn't as efficient. Really it is changing the way we do things through organizational management.
232 From an organizational standpoint, the storm and subsequent move to the Sooner State led to immediate upheaval.
233 Higher in the organizational framework is the product line level.
234 The organizational goal must always be to integrate and engrain accessible design principles into existing development team process and practices.
235 The method will call the processEmployees method to process the data for the employees within the organizational unit, and calls processSubOrgs to process the data for its sub-organizations.
236 On the other side of the spectrum are diagrams like organizational charts, Venn diagrams, or interlocking gears that connote a very specific meaning for the information they portray.
237 The US General Services Administration initiated a new programme that aims to understand better the linkages between the workplace and organizational effectiveness.
238 The discovery of a somatosensory fovea in the star-nosed mole suggests that this organizational scheme is a general evolutionary solution to constructing a high-resolution sensory system.
239 Because of the varieties of its organizational patterns and form of expression, it is nature to provide teacher a space to guarantee the quality of teaching and promote the completer...
240 Emphasizes use of behavioral science research Methods: To test hypotheses concerning organizational behavior.
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