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Occupied in a sentence

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Sentence count:250+15Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: engagedtenantedSimilar words: unoccupiedpreoccupiedoccupyoccupantpreoccupyoccupationoccupationalpreoccupationMeaning: ['ɑkjəpaɪd /'ɒkjʊ-]  adj. 1. held or filled or in use 2. seized and controlled as by military invasion 3. resided in; having tenants 4. having ones attention or mind or energy engaged. 
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121 At the far end four big ovens occupied the space, huge pipes leading up from them into the ceiling overhead.
122 The most important other piece is an upper torso of Athena, who occupied the centre of the gable.
123 When one in five orthopaedic beds is occupied with hip fracture patients, the benefits of such schemes are obvious.
124 The endless possibilities of what could have occurred occupied me completely.
125 Much of the added land will consume an area formerly occupied by the 1, 000-foot-long Fleishhacker swimming pool.
126 It occupied an entire building and was similar in capacity to the programmable pocket calculator that one now buys at the stationers.
127 These will turn your lights on and off automatically, giving the impression that your house is occupied.
128 Well over half the freemen were occupied in providing clothes, food and drink, household goods and buildings.
129 For the past few years islanders have been occupied with building a community hall.
130 Plain women are always jealous of their husbands. Beautiful women never are. They are always so occupied with being jealous of other women's husbands. Oscar Wilde 
131 Two lawyers were facing the magistrate across a desk that occupied most of the floor space.
131 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
132 Consequently many cathedral organists find themselves occupied increasingly with diocesan work.
133 On returning to my foxhole, I found it occupied by the 3d Platoon of B Com-pany.
134 About three quarters of both groups lived in owner occupied or council housing.
135 By the next day the railways were paralysed and Paris bus stations, metro lines and post offices had been occupied.
136 It occupied the moral high ground and refused to budge.
137 The rioting began on Sept. 23 when soldiers occupied Kinshasa airport in protest at low pay.
138 The fourth side of the square was occupied by a gas-works whose gasometer looked down on its neighbours.
139 It occupied his mind, too(, shrinking his vision of the sea clock.
140 They are still occupied by things like MIAs, prisoners of war, refugees, things of the past.
141 The Opposition front bench, and most of the other Opposition benches as well, would be occupied by the Conservatives.
142 The dominant position these companies occupied in the economy was sufficient for their position to be questioned.
143 The house was occupied as the London residence of an art dealer.
144 For many years teachers had occupied a somewhat ambiguous position.
145 Which meant that all of his fingers were presently occupied.
146 In contrast to the heavenly city, the earthly city is occupied by the fallen angels and the impious.
147 The army seized control, occupied many campuses, and closed all universities.
148 Gorman worked on the Railway as a platelayer and as such, occupied a small cottage maybe 200yd away from the main line.
149 Further down is the factory formerly occupied by Bassett Lowke, the world famous model-making firm.
150 The size of the place is breathtaking. Derelict land is occupied by a structure anyone may wonder at.
More similar words: unoccupiedpreoccupiedoccupyoccupantpreoccupyoccupationoccupationalpreoccupationoccupancy ratecupidporcupineoccuroccurringoccurrencepupilstupidjupitercuppiecupboardpietypiecesoccerrecuperatepiercesapientpiebaldaccuseoccidentoccasion
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