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Home > Occupied in a sentence

Occupied in a sentence

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Sentence count:250+15Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: engagedtenantedSimilar words: unoccupiedpreoccupiedoccupyoccupantpreoccupyoccupationoccupationalpreoccupationMeaning: ['ɑkjəpaɪd /'ɒkjʊ-]  adj. 1. held or filled or in use 2. seized and controlled as by military invasion 3. resided in; having tenants 4. having ones attention or mind or energy engaged. 
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241 Theology occupied the first place among the sciences.
242 Nanny Zhang occupied one side, he the other.
243 Lithuania revolts and proclaims independence but is soon occupied by Germany.
244 He was too busily occupied to go to the show.
245 The assignment entailed helping integrate the occupied territory into the Soviet Union.
246 A cool $500,000 is to be spent on obtaining genuine 17th-century air from the inside of, wait for it(, an occupied lead coffin.
247 Albania was still occupied by the Turks at the time.
248 The small girls and the small boy emphatically occupied the compartment.
249 The attack, from its commencement to its termination , had not occupied an hour.
250 They busily occupied themselves for a full month in producing this show.
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