Synonym: engaged, tenanted. Similar words: unoccupied, preoccupied, occupy, occupant, preoccupy, occupation, occupational, preoccupation. Meaning: ['ɑkjəpaɪd /'ɒkjʊ-] adj. 1. held or filled or in use 2. seized and controlled as by military invasion 3. resided in; having tenants 4. having ones attention or mind or energy engaged.
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91 The castle was occupied until fairly recent times.
92 Mr Aznar has successfully occupied the centre ground.
93 Louis always occupied the lavatory straight after breakfast.
94 Nevertheless, he occupied a moral eminence.
95 Reporters and court personnel occupied the jury box.
96 Are not Earth's children fully occupied with human inventions?
97 Lonnie and Alfred occupied opposite ends of the spectrum.
98 The generic team occupied an intermediate position.
99 It kept me occupied in otherwise hopeless situations.
100 Apples grown in the integrated orchard occupied the metaphorical middle ground.
101 We have just occupied Vienna; a far-sighted man could have foreseen the possibility some considerable time ago.
101 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
102 Bobbie occupied with Marie's little circle would have less time and energy for stalking David Chester with the Fieldfare family pistol.
103 Later in the week, he occupied his own table during the daily press sessions at the team hotel.
104 The area covered is 270,000 square feet of which the immense central hall occupied 79 feet by 183 feet.
105 Even though your eyes and hands are occupied your ears are still free to absorb new ideas and re-enforce positive thoughts.
106 Making family portraits and documenting weddings, she learned that photographers occupied a special place in the iconography of domesticity.
107 The four beds in the lying-in ward were usually fully occupied.
108 However, at high concentrations of intracellular calcium, all calmodulin binding sites are occupied.
109 A fitted carpet washed across the floor and its floral pattern was far too big to fit into the space it occupied.
110 Its area is a tiny fraction of that occupied by the 21 hostile Arab states.
111 Make sure he is occupied in healthful activities and does not spend a great deal of time by himself.
112 Atari Lynx 2 worth £99.99 comes complete with a Batman Returns game guaranteed to keep you occupied for hours.
113 No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and doing it very well, ever loses his self- respect. George Bernard Shaw
114 For the Soviet Union, the return to any nation of territory occupied during the war would create a dangerous precedent.
115 It's similar to staggering shell-shocked in alien territory occupied solely by foreboding empty skyscrapers.
116 As the rocks flashed into furnace heat he looked up at the dragon that now occupied more than half the cell.
117 Active planning and discussion of an international conference occupied the early months of 1944.
118 The older and more substantial houses were occupied by the professional and commercial classes.
119 The other alcoves were occupied by Catholics, Zionists, and various other interest groups.
120 Warren happened to ride toward the point in the long column occupied by the brigade of General Stephen H.. Weed.
More similar words: unoccupied, preoccupied, occupy, occupant, preoccupy, occupation, occupational, preoccupation, occupancy rate, cupid, porcupine, occur, occurring, occurrence, pupil, stupid, jupiter, cup, pie, cupboard, piety, piece, soccer, recuperate, pierce, sapient, piebald, accuse, occident, occasion.