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Occupied in a sentence

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Sentence count:250+15Posted:2017-02-28Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: engagedtenantedSimilar words: unoccupiedpreoccupiedoccupyoccupantpreoccupyoccupationoccupationalpreoccupationMeaning: ['ɑkjəpaɪd /'ɒkjʊ-]  adj. 1. held or filled or in use 2. seized and controlled as by military invasion 3. resided in; having tenants 4. having ones attention or mind or energy engaged. 
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61 Keep the brain occupied.
62 It can be difficult to keep children occupied during the long summer holidays.
63 Our flat is one of the two occupied in the block.
64 The ideas of how to help their company get out of dilemma occupied the proscenium of his mind.
65 30 per cent of psychiatric hospital beds are occupied by people of no fixed abode.
66 During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy.
67 I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied with other things.
68 All the new toys kept the kids occupied for hours.
69 Between 1914 and 1920 large parts of Albania were occupied by the Italians.
70 The building was purchased and occupied by its new owners last year.
71 The rest of the time was occupied with writing a report.
71 try its best to gather and build good sentences.
72 The hospital bed is no longer occupied by his wife.
73 Despite renewed pressure to give up the occupied territory, they will not yield.
74 Before becoming prime minister, he had already occupied several cabinet posts.
75 The company rented the building, occupied part and sublet the rest.
76 Historically, issues of this kind have not occupied the foreground of political debate.
77 America conventionally attaches a rider to Israeli aid, to the effect that it must not be used in the occupied territories.
78 The civilians were evacuated from the occupied city to farms.
79 The invading troops are pulling out of the occupied area under international supervision.
80 300 students occupied the building and over 50 went on hunger strike .
81 She's occupied at the moment; she cannot speak to you.
82 The best seats were occupied by the friends and families of the performers.
83 Those on the front line make regular forays into occupied territory.
84 I'm fully occupied these days. I still have lots of work to clear up by the weekend.
85 I saw three camp beds, two of which were occupied.
86 Only six percent of police time is occupied with criminal incidents.
87 Only half of the rooms are occupied at the moment.
88 The bombing campaign appears aimed at cutting the supply lines between Germany and its army in occupied France.
89 The museum has enough exhibits to keep anyone occupied for an hour or two.
90 The murder of a boy by police sparked renewed unrest in the occupied zone.
More similar words: unoccupiedpreoccupiedoccupyoccupantpreoccupyoccupationoccupationalpreoccupationoccupancy ratecupidporcupineoccuroccurringoccurrencepupilstupidjupitercuppiecupboardpietypiecesoccerrecuperatepiercesapientpiebaldaccuseoccidentoccasion
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