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Nose in a sentence

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Sentence count:174+77 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-22Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: horn inintrudenozzlenuzzleolfactory organpokepryscentwindSimilar words: nose outdiagnosenosepiecediagnosesnosygnosticglasnostagnosticMeaning: [nəʊz]  n. 1. the organ of smell and entrance to the respiratory tract; the prominent part of the face of man or other mammals 2. a front that resembles a human nose (especially the front of an aircraft) 3. the front or forward projection of a tool or weapon 4. a small distance 5. a symbol of inquisitiveness 6. the sense of smell (especially in animals) 7. a natural skill 8. a projecting spout from which a fluid is discharged. v. 1. search or inquire in a meddlesome way 2. advance the forward part of with caution 3. catch the scent of; get wind of 4. push or move with the nose 5. rub noses 6. defeat by a narrow margin. 
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(1) Don't cut off your nose to spite your face. 
(2) He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it. 
(3) She gave him a punch on the nose.
(4) She struck him on the nose.
(5) A plastic surgeon successfully rebuilt his nose.
(6) He punched me on the nose.
(7) I have a runny nose.
(8) A sweet smell greeted the nose.
(9) She punched him on the nose.
(10) An elephant's nose is extraordinarily long!
(11) He punched him on the nose.
(12) He broke his nose in the fight.
(13) A hundred people,( on the nose.
(14) We used a carrot for the snowman's nose.
(15) He blew his nose in his handkerchief.
(16) He gently rubbed his swollen nose.
(17) Breathe in through your nose as you stretch up.
(18) I struck him on his nose.
(19) He broke his nose while sparring with Vega.
(20) I'll just go and nose about a bit.
(21) I have a stuffy nose.
(22) My nose won't stop running.
(23) There is some dirt on your nose.
(24) Her estimate was right on the nose.
(25) She wrinkled her nose in disgust.
(26) He biffed me on the nose.
(27) The boxer punched his opponent on the nose.
(28) Tom bopped him on the nose.
(29) Since leaving prison,he's managed to keep his nose clean.
(30) He pressed his nose up against the window.
More similar words: nose outdiagnosenosepiecediagnosesnosygnosticglasnostagnosticdiagnosisnostalgianostalgicprognosisno sooner thanasthenospheremonosyllabicprognosticatedosehoseloseposewhosechosenoosearoseprosemoosegoosemosesloosethose
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