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Muted in a sentence

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Sentence count:137+4Posted:2017-02-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: commutemutilatedreputedpollutedexecutedreputedlyconvoluteddistributedMeaning: [mjuːt]  adj. 1. in a softened tone 2. being or made softer or less loud or clear. 
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61 A glimmer of lightning lit the window again, and the thunder could be heard, distant and muted.
62 So is the hum and whine, despite being muted further by extra sound-proofing.
63 The muted reaction is a measure of how deeply the degradation has seeped in.
64 She placed the record on the turntable and the muted trumpet of Jonah Jones softly assailed the room.
65 Theo's occasional complaints, hardly ever voiced directly, were usually muted and so we fail to take note of them.
66 Let the eyes hold the spotlight and keep lips muted with soft pink or peach.
67 A colour will seem brighter on a smooth, hard surface and more muted and darker on a rough, softer surface.
68 The Air Transport Association expressed muted support for the action.
69 But there was only the sea foam, the muted deadly gurgle of the ledges them-selves.
70 She turned abruptly and moved quickly through the hallway, hearing from outside the open front door the sound of muted voices.
71 The sun sets and the harsh lines of sun and shadow dissolve into blurred shapes and muted colours.
72 I muted the TV sound to avoid the inane commentary.
73 How about the crinkling of Cellophane or the more muted wax paper?
74 There was a muted quality in her usually lively voice.
75 They gave her pills which kept the world at a distance, muted things, let her dream.
76 And then I saw him a couple of months ago, his voice muted by a stroke, his handshake softened.
77 The thunder of the engines dropped to a muted roar, then a gentle hiss, then died into silence.
78 Noise was muted, telephones pinging daintily against the artificial air.
79 The crowd seemed reasonably relaxed, both assent and indignation muted.
80 Their dangerous, uncontrolled sexuality is destined to be muted by the life-long practice of inhuman austerities and self-denial.
81 At times the internal class conflict will be open, sometimes it will be muted.
82 The round, muted bluesy guitar is solid and unassuming until it explodes into a dizzying solo.
83 Even the bare winter branches, tidy and muted like dry bones, had become a disturbance of tangled nerves.
84 The scurrying tourists with their Nikons and their designer shopping bags are transformed the instant they enter this muted space.
85 Market reaction to the resignation was muted, with the CAC40 rising 1 percent to 1,942.73.
86 She could hear her tossing restlessly in the bed, as muted sobs escaped from her dreams.
87 Reaction even against the political system with which it was so closely integrated was muted.
88 A muted grumbling followed, then the slamming of a door.
89 The men's footfalls were muted - jungle boots on concrete.
90 I could spot only four or five, grey-haired and staid-looking, dressed in muted, somewhat old-fashioned, frocks.
More similar words: commutemutilatedreputedpollutedexecutedreputedlyconvoluteddistributedgamutmutinymuttermutualmutilatemutationmutteringmutualismimmutablecommutativetelecommutingtransmutationcuterouteouterjuteluteacutebruteen routediluteastute
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