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Muted in a sentence

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Sentence count:137+4Posted:2017-02-26Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: commutemutilatedreputedpollutedexecutedreputedlyconvoluteddistributedMeaning: [mjuːt]  adj. 1. in a softened tone 2. being or made softer or less loud or clear. 
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91 Then a cough from next door, muted but clear enough, made him stare at Renwick and shake his head.
92 Her gestures were lively, almost like those of her partner but perhaps a shade more muted, not quite as buoyant.
93 The celebrations were muted because the 40 days' mourning for the late president is not yet over.
94 Upon awakening, I was stirred by the muted chug and hum of the neighbour's Cadillac.
95 Only the whimpers above the noise of the muted wind urged him in.
96 She had gone to sleep on the angry voices whose muted sounds came upstairs like a warning fog.
97 A common sandpiper bobbed on a boulder on the hillside, quietly piping, a muted whistle.
98 After years of knockabout abuse in this paper, lets give two muted cheers for Whitbread and their hops.
99 In the second the observations of a character are noted: the metaphor is muted.
100 Public access to an environmentally attractive waterfront has received a favourable response in the city and has undoubtedly muted political debate.
101 It'seemed dimmed and muted now in the pervading fog.
102 We heard a muted voice over the intercom.
103 There were muted cheers from the public gallery.
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104 At first the wooded hillsides muted the sounds.
105 Yet the most vocal U.S. creditors, like Russia and China, are likely to make only very muted calls for new reserve assets and fiscal consolidation in the U.S.
106 American jazz trumpeter and vocalist who was noted for his muted trumpet style and his mumbled scat singing.
107 On the other hand, if you own a house in, say, highflying Los Angeles and plan to retire to the muted Dallas market within the next few years, a California property collapse could really sting.
108 And inside, there was a bit of a football match going on. And with it, another muted miracle: despite the megalomaniac dimensions of the place, it somehow maintains a human proportion.
109 "Stalker" deploys a slinky melody that worms its way between rimshots and muted horns, to an eerily spooky effect.
110 Each features muted metallics in shades of seafoam, periwinkle, gold, and aubergine .
111 Saying that, the rally was rather muted and failed even to reach the previous day's high.
112 The battlefield was silent. The only sounds were the whisper of wind through dry grass and the muted clank of weapons as soldiers stirred upon the walls.
113 This prevents the silver from being removed from the negative, and the result is a contrasty image with muted colours.
114 Seidel. Industries like health care and education are still adding jobs. Public accounting and financial advising are also continuing to do well, although their growth is more muted.
115 In the bottom image, vegetation appears bright green, snow appears bright turquoise, and fog appears as a very pale, muted blue-green.
116 As the national debate over fiscal policy descends ever deeper into penny-pinching, future-killing absurdity, one voice is curiously muted - that of President Obama.
117 S. criticism was more muted. In contrast, Libya's Moammar Gadhafi, a long-time provocateur, felt the West's military might.
118 These physical and neural changes can lead to muted signals to the circadian system.
119 The deciduous trees—maple, aspen, crab apple, birch—have begun to turn; but in a wet year their colors are more muted: umber, ocher, russet, and mustard.
120 The muted moves came ahead of U.S. data on nonfarm payrolls for November. Analysts expect the pace of jobs growth to improve, but remain too slow to make a dent in unemployment levels.
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