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Monogram in a sentence

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Sentence count:19Posted:2017-01-05Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: marksealsignaturestampSimilar words: stenographerprogramprogrammeprogrammingmonotonouslymonotonousmonolithhomographMeaning: ['mɑnəgræm /'mɒ-]  n. a graphic symbol consisting of 2 or more letters combined (usually your initials); printed on stationery or embroidered on clothing. 
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1. The shirt had a tiny monogram embroidered on the pocket.
2. An inscription bearing this monogram was found in a tomb at Pompeii, dating from two and a half centuries before.
3. Her silver fork with the monogram engraved on the handle, her silver napkin ring.
4. In the centre of each was a monogram in gold, the lettering shaped like a small shy coronet.
5. Monogram Multicolor Louis Vuitton bags Greta is a classic and elegant.
6. There was a monogram in the corner in which were the initials " R . K . B . "
7. He dresses conservatively-black shoes and all-the only hint at aristocracy being a tiny monogram on the shirt pocket.
8. Nor can he be credited with the chi rho monogram.
9. Diamond Jim Brady ordered her a gold-plated bicycle, with her monogram set in diamonds and emeralds on the handlebars.
10. Another possibility that I have experimented with once or twice is creating a monogram in flowers.
11. Every coin in those peasants' purses bore the royal monogram and title prescribed by the king.
12. One says that Thomas Jefferson invented it, perhaps as a sort of monogram for TS.
13. The jacquard bathrobe hanging on his bedpost bore the monogram: HOTEL RITZ PARIS.
14. When we get married I don't have to change the monogram on my luggage.
15. Choose from two options: our embroidered pony at the chest with matching vintage year at the hem or embroidered monogram at the chest with matching pony at the hem. 100% cotton.
16. The leaf shape can be seen as bearing a connection to the famous Louis Vuitton monogram.
17. The American Petroleum Institute and rigorous review organizations have made use of API Monogram.
18. A stand lord of river shore road says to the reporter, contra says in former years(, this year's"blessing" monogram article is good friends with venditio to get polypeptide.
19. A design combining or interweaving letters or initials; a monogram.
More similar words: stenographerprogramprogrammeprogrammingmonotonouslymonotonousmonolithhomographbiographyepigramgrammardiagramtopographyphotographmonoculturephotographyphotographerdemographiccablegramchoreographybibliographymonochromaticautobiographygrammaticallyhonordonorframecrampdramahonour
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