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Lotus in a sentence

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Sentence count:283+2Posted:2017-02-23Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: Egyptian water lilyIndian lotusLotusNelumbo nuciferaNymphaea lotusgenus Lotussacred lotuswhite lilywhite lotusSimilar words: clotureshoot uptusktusslehiatusstatusimpetusquietusMeaning: ['ləʊtəs]  n. 1. native to eastern Asia; widely cultivated for its large pink or white flowers 2. annual or perennial herbs or subshrubs 3. white Egyptian lotus: water lily of Egypt to southeastern Africa; held sacred by the Egyptians. 
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31. Above: Clockwise from top - Lotus filter and foam; charcoal for chemical filters.
32. Lotus argued that the command menus were a creative product and deserved the same copyright protection given to musical scores and books.
33. A beautiful dish, it is more or less what it sounds like, sticky rice wrapped in green striated lotus leaves.
34. She sat on the floor and assumed the lotus position.
35. Lotus also expects to publish the application programming interface for Notes to encourage software development.
36. The obvious contender ought to be Lotus 1-2-3; the DOS version was one of the most successful software programs ever.
37. As a precaution, Lotus will include some of the new tricks in its 1-2-3 for Windows this summer.
38. Its name will feature prominently on the 1993-95 Lotus cars' back wing as well as the drivers' racing suits.
39. Lotus, the great innovator, is hitting back with technology, rather than marketing.
40. If you are using Lotus 1-2-3 and enter this function in a cell however you will not find the result very informative.
41. Initially Lotus will supply the software through its own channels, recently bolstered in a search for more sophisticated resellers.
42. It is also linked to Lotus, so that information needs can be addressed in different formats.
42. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
43. Nefertum: the divine lotus or a man with a lotus blossom on his head.
44. To propitiate him, the people offered Lung roasted swallows, hearts and red lotus blossoms.
45. When order is restored over the next few weeks, Lotus will be ready for the most ambitious expansion in its history.
46. The great coral pink and sunny yellow lotus blossoms swayed on their tall stems above the pool.
47. The software company has done well in areas ignored by big guns such as Microsoft and Lotus.
48. The Lotus Fund, founded four years ago, counts a number of Republicans among its estimated 200 members.
49. Both Lo and the Lotus Fund are new on the political scene.
50. Lotus has been badly bruised by the sudden switch to Windows.
51. He showed the children his famed high-tech £17,500 Lotus prototype track racing bike and answered a barrage of questions.
52. It is a lotus of sixteen petals of a smoky purple hue, and its element is ether[], space.
53. Three teams in 1969 raced four-wheel drive - Lotus, Tyrrell-Matra and who was the third?
54. However, it isn't all bad news for Lotus which should be releasing Improv for Windows any day now.
55. Software houses will be the target and major players like Lotus Development and Borland are reportedly starting to kick Bristol's tyres.
56. These facilities are sure to impress expert spreadsheet users, especially those with experience of Lotus 123.
57. They brought boxes of moon cakes and swallows' nests and bags of lotus seeds.
58. It is not clear even to Lotus when the new 1-2-3 version for Alpha will be rolled-out.
59. By its split vote, the justices upheld a lower court ruling against Lotus.
60. We are a totally independent company dedicated to providing a high level of professional services to users of all Lotus software.
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