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Blot in a sentence

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Sentence count:117+3 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-11-18Updated:2020-07-24
Synonym: eraseobliteratewipe outSimilar words: blottingblood clotlotblouseblockblondlotsplotMeaning: [blɒt]  n. 1. a blemish made by dirt 2. an act that brings discredit to the person who does it. v. 1. dry (ink) with blotting paper 2. make a spot or mark onto. 
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1) There is a blot of ink on the paper.
2) He wanted to blot out the memory.
3) He tried to blot out the image of Helen's sad face.
4) She just wanted to sleep and blot out the terrifying events of the day.
5) His involvement in the scandal was a blot on his reputation.
6) That new factory is a blot on the landscape.
7) to blot out all the enemies.
8) This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics.
9) There was just a tiny blot on his happiness.
10) The increase in juvenile crime is a blot on our time.
11) She said she took drugs to blot out her problems.
12) He tried to blot out his memories of the ordeal.
13) The new power station is a blot on the landscape .
14) The crime he committed is a blot on his record.
15) Before applying make-up,( blot the face with a tissue to remove any excess oils.
16) The power station's nothing but a dirty great blot on the landscape.
17) Mustn't blot my copybook by being late.
18) I use smack to blot things out.
19) I've got to blot him out.
20) The mist seemed to blot him up.
21) The oil rigs are a blot on the coastline.
22) Right: Victor Hugo, ink blot,[] about 1855.
23) Figure 5. Northern blot analysis of Oct-11 and Oct-2 expression in various mouse tissues and cell lines.
24) I appeared twice like an ink blot on a folded sheet of paper: a passive, meaningless blur.
25) You supplied a deep-seated need in me to blot out what I'd seen.
26) Northern blot analysis of Oct-11 and Oct-2 expression in various mouse tissues and cell lines.
27) The developers insist the 80m village will not leave a blot on the landscape.
28) Perhaps there are some memories so bad that you have to blot them out.
29) Her involvement in the fraud has left a serious blot on her character.
30) The Education Secretary John Patten says the school's record is a blot on the local educational landscape.
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